Faculty members and graduate students will be presenting the following sessions at AERA 2017
April 27 – May 1, 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.
The full conference program and paper abstracts are available on the AERA 2017 website.
FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2017
Aparna Mishra Tarc
The Postcolonial And: Interstices and Liberation Across Educational Spaces
2:15 – 3:45pm | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room Level, Room 207B
Award Winner: Outstanding Book Award. Literacy of the Other: Renarrating Humanity
Presented at “Still We Rise:” Division B, Business Meeting
6:00 -8:00pm | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room Level, Room 214A
SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2017
Lisa Farley
The Counterfeit Child and Unequal Terrains of Innocence: Race, Gender, and Murder in Junior High
8:15 – 9:45am | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room Level, Room 206B
Jen Gilbert
Yes Means Yes: Rethinking Consent in Sex Education
2:15 – 3:45pm | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room Level, Room 214C
Trending Toward Friendship: LGBTQ Sexualities in School
4:05 – 5:35pm | Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Fourth Floor, Crockett D
Jennifer Jenson and Cristyne Hebert
“But S/He Wasn’t Learning!” Game-Based Pedagogies, Video Games, and Supporting K-12 Teachers in the Classroom
4:05 – 5:35pm | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom Level, Hemisfair Ballroom 3
Lana Parker and Diane Vetter
Mentoring for All: Building a Community of Knowledge for Mentors and Teacher Candidates
10:35am – 12:05pm | Grand Hyatt San Antonio, Third Floor, Bonham E
Aparna Mishra Tarc and Michelle S. Bae-Dimitriadis
Postcolonial Studies, Globalization, and Art
8:15 – 10:15am | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room Level, Room 214B
MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017
Ron Owston and Michelle Sengara
The Presence-Achievement Relationship: Designing for Equitable Student Outcomes in Blended Spaces
2:15 – 3:45pm | Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom Level, Hemisfair Ballroom 2