Guest speaker Patti Lather, professor emerita in educational studies at Ohio State University, will present a seminar at York University’s Keele campus on March 19 on the topic of “Science After Critique or Towards Post-Critical Methodologies.”

Over the past 35 years, Lather has opened research in education to the theory wars, feminist pedagogy and post-structural critiques of science.
This research seminar, taking place from 2 to 4pm in Kaneff Tower, Room 956, will consider some theoretical dilemmas of validity in qualitative research with the questions of “What is it to do qualitative research in an unjust world?” and “What happens to the idea of ‘science’ in social science research after critique?”
Lather will discuss her recently published book, (Post)Critical Methodologies: the Science Possible After the Critiques: The Selected Works of Patti Lather.
The seminar is sponsored by York University Professor Deborah Britzman’s York Research Chair in Pedagogy and Psychosocial Transformations and the Faculty of Education.