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The Conversation: Coronavirus closures could lead to a radical revolution in conservation

The Conversation: Coronavirus closures could lead to a radical revolution in conservation

Photo courtesy of The Conversation Canada.

“With widespread closures of parks and conservation areas around the world, could this be an opportunity to transform the way we manage and use these protected environments?” says Faculty of Education Postdoctoral Fellow, Global Community Health & Well-Being Education James Stinson in a recent article that he co-authored with Elizabeth (Libby) Lunstrum for The Conversation Canada.

“While some have called on Parks Canada to return to its mandate to protect ecological integrity, we need to move beyond stale debates about use versus preservation. Current closures provide an opportunity for a radical revolution in conservation and park management” Stinson says.

The adoption of a Planetary Health framework that aims to balance human and ecological well-being, builds on emerging partnerships with local communities and fosters innovative approaches to Indigenous-led conservation, would be a meaningful step in this direction.”

Read the full article