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Thinking Intersections: Research Relations & Reconfigurations

header image with pictures of speakers for Thinking Intersections: Research, Relations & Reconfigurations 2023 Lecture Series


This series will be presented by York University’s Disrupting Early Childhood Series and Western University’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum

The series creates a public space that will highlight the generative intersections between emergent scholars’ research and that of their doctoral advisors. The series is particularly interested in the generative intersections created between professors and emergent scholars. Its guiding questions include: What is unique to the relation between emerging scholars and their supervisors? How do such vibrant intellectual intersections of research and thought enable different engagements with/in the world? What forms of care do these intersections give to thinking and to the possibility for otherwise or alternate ways of thinking? What kinds of possibilities for reconfiguring and perhaps even rupturing dominant structures of interpretation might be cultivated at this intersection, and how we might talk about them?

JAN 253pm EST
Preeti Nayak & Dr. Fikile Nxumalo (OISE University of Toronto)
Co-theorizing climate justice pedagogies: Intersections and generative departures

MAR 1 – 1pm EST
Christina MacRae, Laura Trafí-Prats & Ruth Churchill Dower (Manchester Metropolitan University)
The infrathin of post-graduate scholarship: Stories of thinking-with/apart/together/alongside

MAR 29 – 3pm EST
Inés Dussel, Yuri Páez Triviño & Federico Williams (Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas, Cinvestav, Mexico)
How one becomes who one is? Reflections on intersections and frictions in becoming an educational scholar in Latin America

For more information and to register, visit


Mar 01 2023


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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