Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Top Stories
- Announcement of appointment of the vice-provost, teaching and learning - York University announced that Chloë Brushwood Rose will commence a three-year term as vice-provost, teaching and learning on July 1. Professor Brushwood Rose is a faculty member in Education and currently serves as graduate program director in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York. Read more
- Rising Above in Between Spaces - Culture and identity have always been focal drivers of Vicky Talwar’s (BEd ’05) artistic practice. Born and raised in Canada, she moved to New Delhi, India with her parents at 13. Talwar says that her creative and critical approaches in her teaching practice allow her to analyze and support culturally diverse artists. Learning about the creative practices of these artists further inspires her to create art in new ways and to think about potential subject matter for her artworks. Read more
- Indigenous Research Ethics Board sets nationwide precedent - This July will see the launch of the first wholly autonomous Indigenous Research Ethics Board (IREB) at York University – the first for a post-secondary institution in Canada. Contributing Faculty members included Celia Haig-Brown and Susan Dion. Learn more
- Faculty of Education public lecture highlights sustainable education - This past March, the Faculty hosted the third event of its Public Lecture series titled “Educating for Tomorrow's Unknowns: Sustainability Front and Centre”. Speaker Charles Hopkins, the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education Towards Sustainability at York University, illuminated how education professionals, students and parents can become engaged and make a collective impact with global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss and rising inequalities – locally or in other parts of the world. Watch video

Program Office Updates

Student Services Office
- Congratulations to Associate Director, Experiential Education, Lindsay LaMorre, on being awarded a Certificate of Recognition by York University Student Accessibility Services. Lindsay was recognized for her exemplary contributions to the values of accessibility captured within the following pillars: Collaboration, Student-Centricity, Care and Innovation.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Office
- Professor Connie Mayer was an invited presenter for an International Virtual Mini-Conference hosted by the University of Tsukuba, Japan (Disability Studies Program) and the Ohio State University (College of Education and Human Ecology). The conference focus was on two main themes: Inclusive Education & Literacy and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Mayer’s presentation topic was Cochlear Implants: From Language to Literacy. Learn more

Research Office
Upcoming Opportunities:
- SSHRC Connection Grants: May 1, 2023 (Agency deadline)
- SSHRC Exchange - Conference Grant: May 1, 2023 (Internal Opportunity)
- 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Call: May 2, 2023 (NOI to agency), Full proposal due to Agency September 12, 2023)
- The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships (Canada Fellowship – outgoing): Applications open April 3, 2023. Applications close: May 29, 2023
- Reconciliation Network in Response to Call to Action 65: May 15, 2023 (Agency deadline)
- Spencer Foundation Racial Equity Research Grants: May 16, 2023 (Agency Intent to apply); full proposal due to agency June 14, 2023 (12:00 noon CDT)
- SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants: June 15, 2023 (Agency)
Please reach out to the Office of the Associate Dean of Research if you have questions or need any support!
Good news!
Please join us in congratulating SIX Faculty of Education research leaders who were recognized at the 2023 Research Awards Celebration, hosted by:
Rhonda Lenton
President & Vice-Chancellor
Amir Asif
Vice President Research & Innovation

Upcoming Events:
Thinking Together about Processes and Problems in Research and Scholarship: A Workshop Series
Please join us for the third and final workshop of the workshop series, “Thinking Together about Processes and Problems in Research and Scholarship”!
Workshop 3: The Politics and Processes of Book Publishing
with Professors Carl James, Gillian Parekh, and Sue Winton
Date: Wednesday, April 26th
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Zoom link: to be distributed by email
This series of online workshops creates a collegial space in which to think about key processes and problems in research and scholarship. The series is guided by collaboration. Each workshop aims to bring people together to share experiences, problem-solve, and learn from one another, with a view to support each other’s efforts to build and showcase our work.
- What does it mean to strategize and think together about everyday processes and problems in research and scholarship?
- How can we learn from each other in supporting and expanding our own endeavours?
- Why think of each other as mentors in becoming our best selves in research and scholarship?
Please note this is an internal event. All zoom links/invites to be distributed by email.
Graduate students are welcome!
Congress Updates:
LAST Call for Posters! The Congress Working Group (CWG) invites all faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students to contribute to the Faculty of Education poster session! The CWG envisions this event as an important opportunity to elevate the diverse, innovative, and creative research/scholarship being done in the Faculty of Education and to share with a national and international community of scholars in attendance for Congress 2023.
FINAL deadline extension!!! Posters are due by Friday, April 28th
To support your efforts to make a poster, please watch your email for a link to the recorded workshop, How to Make a Poster in Powerpoint.
Important reminders:
- To indicate your intent to submit a poster, register at this link;
- You can contribute a poster if you are unable to attend the poster session;
- Printing costs of posters are generously covered by the Faculty of Education;
- All participants of the poster session must register with Congress to participate;
- Don’t miss out! 60 is the maximum number of posters for the session, and will be accepted on a first come, first placed basis using the link above;
- Posters will be on display at Congress: Monday, May 29th from 11:15 a.m-2:45 p.m.
Program of Faculty-Led Events at Congress:
Monday, May 29th | 11:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Poster Session for faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students
Monday, May 29th | 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Fireside Chat with Hon. Jean Augustine and Professor Carl James
Tuesday, May 30th | 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Faculty Panel: Pedagogies Towards More Just Futures: Reckonings and Re-Imaginings in Education with professors Mario DiPaolantonio, Cristina Delgado Vintimilla, Molade Osibodu, and Vidya Shah
Chaired by professors Warren Crichlow and Korina Jocson
Wednesday, May 31st | 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Presenting Wüléelham: The Gifts of our People within Indigenous Education Programs at York
Led by professors Pam Toulouse, Rebecca Beaulne-Stuebing, and Marianne Groat
New Publications
- Robert Savage (April 2023). Published with SAGE Publishing and Journal of Learning Disabilities. Article “Contrasting Direct Instruction in Morphological Decoding and Morphological Inquiry-Analysis Interventions in Grade 3 Children With Poor Morphological Awareness”
- Mayer, C., & Trezek, B. J. (2023). Investigating the writing achievement of deaf learners. American Annals of the Deaf, 167 (5), 625–643
- Mayer, C. & Trezek, B. (March 2023). Literacy achievement of deaf learners: Updating the evidence base. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Magazine (pp.10-12)
- Shah, V. & Grimaldos, D. K., (2023) “Rising Up: Collectivizing, Strategizing, and Forging Solidarities among Parents and Caregivers Leading for Racial Justice”, Voices in Urban Education 51(1)

In Case You Missed It...
- Congratulations to 2 alumni, Korina Thomas-Reynolds and Kate Haiyun Mossop, for being recognized as #YorkU’s Top 30 Alumni Under 30! Learn more

In the Media
- In the media: How the parental rights movement resurged in response to trans inclusivity in classrooms - Recent skirmishes at Canadian school boards 'point to the ways … in which conservative parents see themselves as a political lobby and are using the platform of parental rights,' said Jen Gilbert, an associate professor at York University. Read more
- In the media: Anti-black Racism in Schools - Carl James, the Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora at York University, talks about anti-black racism in schools following a recent incident that led to the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) putting 3 staff members on home assignment for discriminating against children. James gives a reaction to the allegations. Read more
School Choice, Marketization, and Public Education: A Critical Space Perspective
Featuring Dr. Ee-Seul Yoon (Associate Professor of Educational Administration, Leadership, and Policy, University of Manitoba)
Moderated by Professor Sue Winton (Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, York University)
DATE: April 25, 2023
TIME: 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
LOCATION: Online via Zoom
Please register with your @yorku.ca email address.

First Faculty of ED Alumni Network Mixer!
Save the date Education alums, faculty and staff for our first Faculty of Education Alumni Network Mixer! A casual networking & socializing event to meet fellow alums and profs on campus. Food and drinks will be served. ED faculty members encouraged to come out & mingle with our alums!
Happening Thursday, May 18th at 6:30 p.m. at York’s Keele Campus with the venue to be confirmed shortly. Save the date in your calendars and fill out this form at
https://uecr.apps01.yorku.ca/machform3/view.php?id=507035 to receive event updates directly from the Alumni Engagement organizers.
Call for CSSE/Education Volunteers
CSSE will be at York University’s Keele Campus in Toronto from May 27 to June 1, 2023
We are looking for people who are interested in contributing to making this a great experience for all CSSE attendees. If you are available to contribute at least 2 conference days (for 4-hour blocks) you could join in on this great opportunity.
As a volunteer you will:
- Contribute to this important conference.
- Add to your professional knowledge.
- Meet new people from around Canada.
- Be eligible to attend CSSE sessions for free.
- Get a volunteer T-shirt.
- Receive a personalized letter indicating your volunteer contribution to CSSE.
To apply to volunteer please click here.
For specific questions please email Aisha Patel at: aispat@yorku.ca
Message Board
- If you teach in the BEd, you are invited to participate in the Reading Pedagogies of Equity Project - You are being invited to participate in Reading Pedagogies of Equity (R-PEP): a pan-Canadian SSHRC-funded project that engages in embedded professional learning, research, and dissemination opportunities with BEd instructors and RPEP Atelierista (an arts-based educator), Indigenous Knowledge Keeper, and scholars. Learn more

Tell us what you think of the ED News Bulletin. We would love to hear from you.
Follow us on our social media channels
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this edition of the Faculty of Education News Bulletin.
Created by:
Anderson Coward
Communications & Marketing Specialist
Adam Riley
Web Designer & Developer
Barb Rodezno
Director - Strategic Communications, Marketing & Outreach