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Helene Massam Memorial Prize for Excellence in Statistics

This award, named in honour of Professor Hélène Massam, is given annually to an outstanding full-time Ph.D student in Statistics with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics prior to the final approval of their thesis. Hélène Massam was an accomplished statistician. She joined the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in 1984 after obtaining a PhD at McGill. In 2008, she was named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics "for contributions to Wishart distributions and to graphical models". Professor Hélène Massam worked at York for 35 years. She was deeply appreciated and respected by students as an outstanding mentor and teacher who devoted herself to helping her students achieve her high expectations.
Students are nominated by their supervisors and the best candidate is selected based on demonstrated research excellence.

How to Apply


Mathematics & Statistics Program, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Ross Building, N520 B
(416)736-2100 x 33974 (Voicemail)
