Thursday, February 1, 2024
3:00 p.m.
This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found via the meeting's email notice.
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
2. Minutes (Previous Meeting, January 11, 2024) (.docx)
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
4. Dean's Remarks
5. Research Security Presentation
Guest: Rebecca Irwin, Associate Director, Research Security, Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation
6. Reports from Faculty of Graduate Studies' Representatives to Senate Committees
Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
Saskia Van Viegen, Senate Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee
Melanie Cao, Senate Executive Committee's Subcommittee on Honorary Degrees & Ceremonials
Naomi Couto, Senate Executive Committee