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Home » Past Productions » 1987 Season

1987 Season

Season Staff:

Nancy Accinelli, Executive Producer
Fredrick H. Thury, Artistic Director

The Good Person of Szechwan

The Good Person of Szechwan

Feb. 4 - 7, 1987
​Vanier College Hall

The play opens on three gods, who have come to earth in search of enough good people to justify their existence. They find Shen Teh, a good-hearted and penniless prostitute, and make her a gift that enables her to set up her own business. But her generosity brings ruin and trouble to her small tobacco shop, and she is forced to disguise herself as an invented male cousin, Shui Ta, in order to reclaim her shop from the scroungers and creditors. Shui Ta turns out to be the stern and ruthless counterpoint to Shen Teh, helping her to capitalist success and financially-motivated marriage, but not to happiness.

Written by Bertolt Brecht

Directed by Fredrick H. Thury

Cast and Crew:
Alexis Thury
Andrea Levy
Armon Moryouseff
Bob Accinelli
Carmella Tallmeister
Cheryl Morris
Chris Costello
Chris McKee
​Dana Shaw
Ed Zwolinski
Emily Dlinakis
Emily Klinakis
Frank D'Angelo
Gary Drukmuller
Heather Hodgson
Ian Kelso
Jane Jazrawy
Jayne Mooney
Joe Leandres
Joey Grossman
John O'Neil
Karen Saffert
Keith Cole
Kelly Wolf
Lore Sone
Lynda Hockley
Malcolm R. Steane
Masood Mohajer
Melanie Brown
Michael Creal
Michelle Faraone
Michelle Francis
Nancy Accinelli
Patty Albertini
Peter Gallacher
Rob Craig
Ron Rooth
Rosanna Feneziani
Sam Rosenthal
Scott Garbe
Scott Griffin
Scotty Watened
Shannon McAteer
Sherma Mitchell
Stephen Young
T.C. Loy
Thom Trebilcock
Wendy Gunter
William Douglas
