Vanier College Productions would like to acknowledge the following individuals, whose support has been instrumental to VCP’s ability to facilitate and provide numerous initiatives that contribute to a complete student experiences at York University. VCP has a long tradition of providing extra-curricular performing arts opportunities for students from all disciplines at the university and your support continues to make this possible.

Over my years at York University, VCP was the home of my undergraduate experience. VCP allowed me to meet some lifelong friends, allow me to work on shows that I had never had the chance to work on before, create incredible memories and allow me to call a part of York University my home. Without a doubt VCP was the best part of my York University experience and it will always be a part of who I am.
— Stefan Porfirio
Vanier College Productions' Chair Campaign
When establishing the Vanier College Productions endowment fund, Nancy Accinelli created The Chair Project. Recognizing that the Fred Thury Studio Theatre is quite small, rather than sell plaques to go on the backs of the chairs, Nancy instead sold miniature chairs. For every donation of at least $100, a miniature chair bearing the donors name would be placed on the theatre wall and a second miniature chair was given to the donor as a keepsake. The Chair Project accomplished its goal, and we are eternally grateful to the following founding donors whose support helped in establishing the Vanier College Productions endowment fund.
Adrian & Andrea Accinelli
Francesca Accinelli
James Accinelli
Juliet Accinelli
Nancy Accinelli
Robert Accinelli
Angus J. Anderson
& J. Joseph Vaughan
Sandra Anstey
Carolin Banjavcic
Marko Banjavcic
John Beers
Kylie Behm
Bixente Brégère
Elodie Brégère
Michel Brégère
Gary Brewer
Carole Carpenter
John Catucci & Family
Michael and Lee Creal
Helen Doan
Cora Dusk
Sheila Embleton
John Featherson
Scott Garbe
Scott Garbe & Family
Brian & Ali Goldenberg
Naguib Gouda
William E. Graham
& Douglas Greaves
Deborah Hobson
The Howell Family
Rick Howell - In Memoriam
Ian Kelso
Roy & Gayle Koehler
Vanessa Legair
Susan Mann
Lorna R. Marsden
David Mesiano
Theresa Noon-Hunter
Jean Spence - In Memoriam
Malcolm Steane
Sussex Strategy Group
The Sutherns Family
Joanne Teliatnik
Three Leading Ladies
Alexis Thury
Fred Thury - In Memoriam
Rob Tiffin
Dan Tulloch
Stanley Tweyman
Sylvia Zingrove