Capital Projects (Procedure)

Topic: University Grounds and Physical Facilities
Approval Authority: Vice-President Finance and Administration

Description: Describes the role of the Master Planning and Facilities Committee in formulating recommendations on the use and development of University lands as well as the framework for implementing approved projects. Issued pursuant to the Policy on Capital Projects.


Master Planning and Facilities Committee (MPF)

MPF is a committee established to advise the University on the use and development of its lands. The members of MPF are and shall be appointed by the President and shall include, among others, those persons occupying the following positions (or their designate):

   i.  President
  ii.  Vice-President Academic and Provost
 iii.  Vice-President Finance and Administration
 iv.  Vice-Provost Students
  v.  Vice-President Research and Innovation
 vi.  General Counsel or designate
vii.   Assistant Vice-President, Campus Services and Business Operations
viii.  Director, Facilities Planning
 ix.  Senior Manager, Environmental Design & Sustainability
  x.  Two faculty members, appointed by the President
 xi.  President, York University Development Corporation (YUDC)
 xii. Director, Master Planning, YUDC

Major Projects

Major Projects are facilities or renovation projects with a budget of $2,000,000 or more.
Prior to recommending approval by the Board of Governors of a Major Project, the President shall seek the advice and recommendation of MPF.

Requests for Consideration

  1. Upon a request for consideration and decision concerning a Major Project being referred to MPF, MPF shall formulate a recommendation to the President on the following:

i.  the allocation of specific University lands to projects and improvements
ii. design, including the impact of proposed projects on the aesthetics of the campuses
iii. planning issues, including the Master Plan
iv. the selection of architects, designers and contractors and the process of selection.

  1. In considering its advice to the President, MPF shall address the principles set forth in the Policy on Capital Projects and shall have before it reports of the Campus Planner and/or the President of YUDC on the implications of the site and the design of the proposed project on the University. It shall also consider other relevant policies including the following:

i.  Selection of Consultants
ii. Selection of Architects etc.
iii. Selection of Contractors and Awarding of Contracts
iv. The University Common

  1. MPF shall consider and comment on the proposal and may refer to others for advice or further information prior to making a recommendation as to the viability and desirability of the project.
  2. MPF may recommend to the President that a project proceed, that it proceed on conditions, or that it not proceed.

Implementation of Approved Projects

  1. Upon the formal approval to proceed with a Major Project, MPF shall provide advice and guidance to the Vice-President Finance and Administration in regard to project implementation.
  2. For projects in excess of $10,000,000, the Vice-President Finance and Administration shall normally establish a Project Committee to carry out project oversight and coordination responsibilities as follows:
    1. Establish a User Committee or otherwise consult the User Group(s) relative to detailed planning;
    2. Monitor and instruct University staff and contractors on the day-to-day implementation of the project;
    3. Monitor the Project budget;
    4. Make recommendations on the distribution and use of the space in the facility; and
    5. Advise and report to the Vice-President Finance and Administration, who shall bring to MPF important matters regarding project changes or developments affecting architecture/design, infrastructure, and established master planning parameters.
  3. For projects of $10,000,000 or less, the Vice-President Finance and Administration  may assign these responsibilities to the Assistant Vice-President Campus Services and Business Operations.
  4. Where a Project Committee is established:
    1. It shall be appointed by the Vice-President Finance and Administration, in consultation with MPF.
    2. One member of the Project Committee shall be appointed as its chair.
    3. Membership in all Project Committees shall include but not be limited to the Assistant Vice-President Campus Services and Business Operations; the Director of Facilities Development or designate; senior staff (or consultant) on master planning and space planning, senior representation from the University unit(s) which will be the major user(s) of the facility (if a building), and a member of the University community at large.
Legislative History: Approved by UEC: 1994/01/31; Approved by BPC: 1994/02/15; Date Effective: 1994/02/15;  Amended: 2009/12/01; 2012/06/25