C4 Debuted in 2019
With crucial support from York’s Academic Innovation Fund and the Faculty Association, C4 was pilot tested in 2019.
C4’s International Award-Winning Recognition
C4 wins 7th Airbus GEDC Diversity Award
In June 2020, Airbus and the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) announced the winner of the 7th Airbus GEDC Diversity Award. C4 was selected as the winner of this prestigious award for our efforts to support diversity and inclusion in engineering education.
Given complex issues like Climate Crisis, we need young people and their diversity to fuel the change that will lead us into the future.
— Jean-Brice DuMont, Executive Vice President Engineering, Airbus
About the C4 Pilot
With only a dream and a team, C4 was launched at York University in Fall 2019. It was led by two experienced capstone teachers, Danielle Robinson (Arts) and Franz Newland (Engineering) and supported by colleagues from across the York campus. Its goal was to revolutionize how students finish off their degrees at York.
Who participated in the C4 pilot?
In its pilot year, 77 students from 23 majors and 7 faculties participated in C4. The undergraduate students came from a mix of 3rd, 4th, and 5th year. A total of 17 York program and faculty partners delivered C4.
What projects were completed?
There were a total of 11 projects delivered in the 2019 – 2020 pilot year of C4. There were also 8 surplus C4 projects that ran in disciplinary capstone classrooms around York.
See our results
Learn more about the results of the 2019 – 2020 C4 pilot by downloading our “By the Numbers” infographic.