Sustainable Investing at York University
Our Leadership York University has long been a leader in sustainability. Steadfast in its commitment to sustainability and to ensuring sustainability is embedded into all aspects of the University’s operations, York’s Sustainability Strategy clearly delineates this in one of its goals, PL3: York University integrates sustainability into its overall financial plan, integrated resource plans and […]
Concur Quick Tips
SAP Concur (York's digital expense claim software) is easier to use than many employees realize. These five key tips will make your expense claims simpler and faster. Learn More Concur is the University’s online and automated expense reporting system. Video guides demonstrate tasks involved to prepare and submit expense claims in Concur. Please note that you […]
FCM Travel Solutions
FCM Travel Solutions is the University's preferred travel agency for the following reasons: access to a York dedicated team of professional, experienced client service representatives to book your travel arrangements (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) ability to book travel online at any time using Concur Travel access to exclusive discounts on flights and […]
U.S. Exchange Rate
Effective August 2nd, 2024 the internal foreign exchange rates applied for USD transaction processing to the University's general ledger are: Accounts Payable $1.41 CAD per USDApplies to OUTGOING USD payments/cheques issued by York. Accounts Receivable $1.35 CAD per USDApplies to INCOMING USD cheques/deposits.
Paying Independent Contractors
The Human Resources and Finance Divisions must process payments to persons providing personal services (Independent Contractors) to York University in a manner which complies with the Income Tax Act of Canada. Failure to appropriately withhold source deductions is an offence under the Act and related legislation, and results in substantial interest, penalties and fines for […]
Paying International Vendors
Valid forms of payment include: PCard Wire Draft to Foreign Countries Purchase Order (when a purchase order is required, a Wire form is still necessary) All payments to vendors outside of Canada or US are paid by wire transfer or draft. Drafts are acceptable for certain countries. An exception to this would be an institutional […]
Invoicing Standards
Invoices submitted by vendors to York University for payment must adhere to the following specifications: An original invoice must be issued - copies or duplicates are not accepted The invoice must be addressed exclusively to York University The "Bill to" address must appear in the format shown below: Sample A: For invoices against a Purchase […]
How to Pay External Vendors
To ensure compliance, internal community members need to be familiar with the University Procurement of Goods and Services Policy and Procedure when procuring goods and services on behalf of the university. It is highly recommended that individuals responsible for procuring goods and services for their areas attend the Procure to Pay Workshop. Visit YU Learn for registration information. Depending […]
How to request access to eReports
All eReports accesses are requested via e-mail to by the executive officer, financial officer or cost centre owner depending on the fund code (see below). The following information is required in the e-mail. Employee Name Employee ID Valid Passport York user name List of cost centres or financial roll-ups that access is required Specify whether […]