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Dr. Allen T. Lambert Scholars Award


Dr. Allen T. Lambert Scholars Award supports outstanding graduate Canadian Aboriginal or First Nations students showing promise as first-rank scholars and researchers in their chosen field. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

Dr. Allen T. Lambert has been associated with York University since it was founded in 1959 and he was an Honorary Doctorate in 1982. Dr. Lambert has served on the first Board of Governors, and as a fundraiser, pioneered on behalf of York, orchestrating the university’s first one million dollar gift.

Applications are reviewed and awarded by the Graduate Studies Awards Committee or the Indigenous Awards Committee.

Value and Duration

  • Up to two award of $4,150 (Subject to change)


  • Indigenous Masters or Doctoral;
  • Academic excellence;
  • Canadian citizen and a resident of Ontario;
  • Confirmation of financial need


  • Before 11:59pm (EST) February 28

Award Period (when the award will be paid)

  • Winter Term

How to Apply

  • Students must update their profile and apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.
  • Personal statement demonstrating eligibility.
  • Research proposal with articulated research impact.
  • Up-to-date copy of transcript/grade report to demonstrate academic excellence (an unofficial transcript or grade report from student records are also acceptable).
  • Up-to-date copy of CV


  • If you require further assistance, please contact our Scholarship & Awards Coordinator or Research Officer by visiting our FGS Staff Directory.