Thursday, December 7, 2023
3:00 p.m.
This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found via the meeting's email notice.
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
2. Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award (URL)
3. Minutes (Previous Meeting, November 2, 2023)(.docx)
4. Business Arising from the Minutes
5. Dean's Remarks
6. Graduate Supervision Support Hub
For discussion
Associate Dean Academic Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, and
Guest: Tracy Bhoola, Program Manager, Graduate Supervisory Support Hub
7. Joint APPRC-ASCP Task Force on the Future of Pedagogy Consultation
For discussion
Task Force’s preliminary recommendations
Guests: Anita Lam, Co-Chair, Task Force on the Future of Pedagogy; Karthiga Gowrishanger, Program Director, Teaching & Learning Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice-Provost Teaching & Learning
8. Changes to Faculty Regulations
Approved by Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 8, 2023
For approval
Updates to Regulations – Academic Honesty (.docx)
9. Changes to Criteria and Procedures for Appointment and Reappointment
Approved by Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 8, 2023
For approval
Graduate Program in Global Health (.docx)
Guest: Director Amrita Daftary
10. Update to Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines
Approved by Awards Committee October 6, 2023; and by Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 8, 2023
"The submission must include:
3. a statement from the Chair of the committee, supported by the examining committee, detailing those elements of the thesis or dissertation which make it exceptional [the following text is to be added] within the context of programmatic and/or disciplinary trends..."
Full text: (URL)
11. Reports from Faculty of Graduate Studies' Representatives to Senate Committees
Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
Saskia Van Viegen, Senate Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee
Melanie Cao, Senate Executive Committee's Subcommittee on Honorary Degrees & Ceremonials
12. Senate Synopses
For information
Summaries of Senate meetings of October 26, and November 23, 2023 (pdf/URL)