Thursday, May 6, 2021
3:00 p.m.
This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found via the meeting's email notice.
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
2. Faculty of Graduate Studies' Faculty Teaching Awards
Professor Michaela Hynie, Graduate Programs in Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Health, Interdisciplinary Studies, Kinesiology & Health Science and Psychology; and,
Professor Mike Zryd, Graduate Programs in Communication & Culture, Film and Humanities
Professor Michele Johnson, Graduate Programs in Education, History, Social & Political Thought, Theatre & Performance Studies; and,
Professor Sandra Schecter, Graduate Program in Education
3. Student System Renewal Program
Presentation (.pptx)
Guests: Marie Limanni, Executive Director, Student System Renewal Program; Heather Moore, Manager, Business Transformation, Graduate Studies
4. Minutes (Previous Meeting, April 1, 2021) (.docx)
5. Business Arising from the Minutes
6. Dean's Remarks
7. Update on Consultations for the Proposed Revisions to Graduate Studies’ Regulations on Comprehensive Examinations
Comprehensive Examinations Consultation Update (.pptx)
Proposed Revision to Graduate Studies Regulations on Comprehensive Examinations (.pdf)
8. Update on Proposed Revisions to Graduate Studies’ Regulations on Academic Petitions
9. Reports from FGS Representatives to Senate Committees
Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, Senate Executive Committee
Evan Light, Senate Academic Planning, Policy & Research Committee
Mark Hayward, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
Naomi Couto, Senate Executive Committee's Subcommittee on Honorary Degrees & Ceremonials
10. Report of the Nominating Committee
11. Senate Synopses
Summaries of the Senate meetings of March 25, 2021 (.pdf) and April 22, 2021 (.pdf).