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Career Exploration and Planning

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) (Provost & Vice-President Academic)

For both graduate students and postdoctoral researchers aiming to excel in their academic and professional careers, the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) offers a suite of resources designed to address your specific needs and challenges. NCFDD resources include: Customized Support for Your Stage: Whether you're a graduate student working on your dissertation […]

Fireside Chat: Leveraging Your Graduate Degree with the City of Toronto (Career Centre and Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Are you interested in a career outside of the academy? During this online session, connect with professionals from the City of Toronto to learn how to navigate the world of post-academic careers as a graduate student or Postdoc, find out about employer expectations, hiring practices, and how to explore career opportunities with Canada’s largest city. […]

Mitacs Training Workshops (Mitacs)

Mitacs training bridges the gap between university learning and career success through professional skills development. Mitacs workshops are open to graduate students and postdocs and cover one or more of the following competencies: Leadership & Management Communication & Relationship Building Personal & Professional Management Entrepreneurialism Mitacs training registration information Host: Mitacs Date:  TBC Time: TBC Location: TBC

Beyond the Professoriate's Career Training Platform

Beyond the Professoriate (BTF) is an eLearning Platform with on-demand, self-paced learning modules that allow Master's, PhDs and Postdocs to explore career options and discover ways to apply the skills acquired through their education. You can access the modules in any order and if you decide to complete 7 core modules, you earn a certificate […]