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CUPE 3903

Thesis Allowance—Reimbursement of Thesis/Dissertation Production Costs

The Thesis Allowance fund assists with the cost of production of the final form of thesis/dissertation by registered York graduate students who are or have been members of CUPE 3903 within their current program of study. Eligible expenses: Transparencies, binding for two (2) bound copies, cerlox binding, photocopying of exam copies, laser cartridges, typing, 1GB […]

Ph.D. Completion Fund

CUPE 3903 Unit 1 Ph.D. Completion Fund The CUPE 3903 Ph.D. Completion Fund supports eligible doctoral students in their final term of full-time study. Eligible applicants How to Apply Eligible students are invited to apply during the following periods: Allocated funds are posted to the student account of each successful applicant after adjudication in each […]

York Graduate Fellowship

Graduate Students are vital members of our learning environment here at York and we are committed to supporting the achievement of their academic goals including timely completion of their studies. In addition to providing a vibrant and diverse educational experience, the overall funding package available to our graduate students is key to their success. York’s […]

CUPE 3903 Lump Sum Fellowship Opt In

Introduction In accordance with recent arbitration, FGS has introduced a form to allow CUPE 3903 members to opt in to receiving Fellowship payments in the Summer only (of the active academic year) as opposed to over three academic terms. Timelines For a graduate student that opts in to Summer only for the 2024-2025 academic year, […]