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Home » Past Productions » 1979 Season

1979 Season

The Visit

The Visit

​Vanier College Hall

An enormously wealthy older woman returns to her former hometown with a dreadful bargain: she wants the townspeople to kill the man who got her pregnant, then jilted her. In exchange, she will provide enough money to revitalize the decrepit town. ​

Written by Friedrich Duerrenmatt

Directed by Fredrick H. Thury

Cast and Crew:
​Alec Olaveson
Alison Corson
Becky MacIvor
Bert Hilkes
Bonnie MacDonald
Brad Varey
Brett Jo Abbey
Cameron Gourley
Ceri Stephens
Cindy Recchia
Daniel Chevrier
Debbie Tompkins
Dorothy Tenute
Doug Paul
Douglas Brown(e)
Gail Lo Ferrell
Geoff Cohen
Gloria Evanoff
J.P. Chassels
Jim Belyea
John K.H. MacIntyre
Karen MacDonald
Karen Switzer
Kathleen Naughton
Laurie Drew
Liz Lundell
Lloyd Gill
Malcolm Montgomery
Michael Creal
Norman Kunc
Paul J. Bellini
Paul Leonard
Randy Finnerty
Rhonda Jeffery
Sally Longo
Sandra Crockard
Shawn Brayman
Sheilla Knight
Shirley Gulliford
Stephen MacDuff
Stuart E. Clow
Tal Bevan
Tania Giontsis
Tom O'Neill
