Thursday, May 7, 2020
3:00 p.m.
This meeting will be held ‘remotely’ via zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found in the meeting email notice.
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
2. Faculty of Graduate Studies’ Faculty Teaching Awards (announcement)
Professor Michaela Hynie, Graduate Programs in Development Studies, Environmental Studies, Kinesiology & Health Science and Psychology; and,
Professor Mike Zryd, Graduate Programs in Communication & Culture, Film and Humanities
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (April 9,2020)(.docx)
4. Business Arising from the Minutes
5. Changes in Admissions Requirements
Approved April 8, 2020, by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee
* * * F o r A p p r o v a l * * *
Graduate Program in Accounting (.pdf)
Graduate Diploma in Intermediate Accounting (.pdf)
6. Changes to Faculty Regulations
Approved April 8, 2020, by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee
* * * F o r A p p r o v a l * * *
Changes to English Language Proficiency regulations (.docx)
7. Dean’s Remarks and Discussion
8. Motion from GSA President
“BIRT the Faculty of Graduate Studies supports the call to recommend automatic program extensions for all graduate students enrolled in Masters and Ph.D. programs, including a full year of guaranteed funding that is equal to the baseline funding that all graduate students received in the 2019-2020 academic year.”
9. Curriculum Changes
Approved March 12, 2020, by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee’s Academic Affairs Subcommittee, and received for information by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on April 8, 2020
Councillors may view these documents by contacting M. Michael Schiff, Coordinator, Faculty Governance.
* * * F o r I n f o r m a t i o n * * *
Graduate Program in Humanities
New Course Proposal
Humanities 6255 3.0: “Reading the Anthropocene: Excavations in the Humanities and Social Sciences”/Same as Social & Political Thought 6722 3.0
10. Senate Synopsis
Summary of Senate meeting via zoom April 23, 2020 (.pdf)