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Producing Islam(s) in Canada book cover

Producing Islam(s) in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics

Edited By Amélie Barras

In Producing Islam(s) in Canada, twenty-nine interdisciplinary scholars analyze how academics have thought, researched and written on Islam and Muslims in Canada since the 1970s.
During the last twenty years, public interest in Islam and how Muslims express their religious identity in Western societies has grown exponentially. In parallel, the study of Islam in the Canadian academy has grown in a number of fields since the 1970s, reflecting a diverse range of scholarship, positionalities, and politics. Yet, academic research on Muslims in Canada has not been systematically assessed.

In Producing Islam(s) in Canada, scholars from a wide range of disciplines come together to explore what is at stake regarding portrayals of Islam(s) and Muslims in academic scholarship. Given the centrality of representations of Canadian Muslims in current public policy and public imaginaries, which affects how all Canadians experience religious diversity, this analysis of knowledge production comes at a crucial time.

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Cover of the book Doing Research as a Native: A Guide for Fieldwork in Illiberal and Repressive States.

Merouan Mekouar

The book contains the stories and experiences of 19 scholars from 15 different countries who completed fieldwork in their repressive ...

Producing Islam(s) in Canada book cover

Amélie Barras

In Producing Islam(s) in Canada, twenty-nine interdisciplinary scholars analyze how academics have thought, researched and written on Islam and Muslims ...

Languages of Economic Crises book cover

Sonya Scott

This book offers a critical engagement with languages that describe, perpetuate, respond to, and resist economic crises. Unlike many volumes ...

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Richard Weiseman

This multi-disciplinary collection brings together original contributions to present the best of current thinking about the nature and place of ...

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Mohamed Sesay

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Autonomías y autogobierno en la América diversa book cover

Miguel Gonzalez

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Carlo Fanelli

If neoliberalism was sacrificed on the altar of 2008 through proof that private markets are not wholly efficient, welfare-maximizing and ...

Réinventer l'ethnographie : pratiques imaginatives et méthodologies créatives book cover

Denielle Elliott

Ce collectif de recherche traite des méthodologies ethnographiques expérimentales et émergentes fusionnant les arts créatifs, les médias numériques et l’ethnographie ...

illustration of two people playing saxophones

Jaime Llambías-Wolff

Analyzing is not easy, asking questions even less. These lines are reflections on contemporary social phenomena, amalgamated with their own ...

Book Cover: Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality

Kamala Kempadoo

A first of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean, this multi-disciplinary collection brings together contributions from a variety of Caribbean-based ...

Book Cover: Power and Authority in Internet Governance - Return of the State?

Natasha Tusikov

Power and Authority in Internet Governance investigates the hotly contested role of the state in today's digital society. The book asks: ...

Rising Up: The Fight for Living Wage Work in Canada book cover

Carlo Fanelli

Canada has one of the highest rates of low-wage work among advanced industrial economies. In a labour market characterized by ...

La enfermedad de los sistemas de salud (The disease of health systems) book cover

Jaime Llambías-Wolff

¿Por qué las ciudades están llenas de farmacias? ¿Por qué los hospitales, los profesionales médicos y de la salud y ...

De un café a otro: Reflexiones sobre la sociedad contemporánea (From one café to another: Reflections on contemporary society) book cover

Jaime Llambías-Wolff

Estas líneas son una conversación de dos cientistas sociales sobre la vida contemporánea, la realidad económica, política, social y cultural ...

The Justice Crisis: The Cost and Value of Accessing Law book cover

Lesley A. Jacobs

Despite wide recognition that access to justice is one of the most basic rights of democratic citizenship, unfulfilled legal needs ...

Socialist and Post-Socialist Urbanisms: Critical Reflections from a Global Perspective book cover

Douglas C. Young, Lisa B. W. Drummond

Socialist cities have special qualities which endure in particular, subtle, and often under-theorized ways. This book engages with socialism on ...