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BSW Practicum

Welcome to the BSW Practicum! The practicum is a degree requirement of the Bachelor of Social Work program. Our practicum requirements are based on the accreditation standards set out by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education.

The following page will walk you through the process of getting ready for your practicum which takes place in your final year of study. The Field Education Team looks forward to working with you during this very exciting chapter of your social work education experience.

Preparing for Practicum:

(Click on any of these options to jump down the page.)

Let's get started!

Core Objectives

  • Ability to assess and understand the impact of political, cultural, racial and economic systems on the lives of people.
  • Ability to apply theory into practice.
  • Engage in a process of self-reflection.
  • Knowledge of social work interventions used in different aspects of the social service sector.
  • Knowledge and understanding of community resources and the social service sector to facilitate appropriate referrals.
  • Understanding the implications of policy on practice.


The Direct-Entry BSW program accepts students from high school and community college diploma programs.

The Post-Degree BSW program hosts students who already hold an undergraduate degree in a different discipline.

Review the practicum pre-requisites below:

Practicum Pre-Requisites
To apply for placement, Direct-Entry students must have successfully completed all core social work courses as listed below AND 57 credits in non-social work courses (SOWK 4020 must be taken concurrently with placement)

Core Social Work Courses

  • AP/SOWK 1011 6.0 Introduction to Critical Social Work (Direct-Entry students only)
  • AP/SOWK 2050 6.0 Identity, Diversity and Anti-Discriminatory Practice
  • AP/SOWK 2060 3.0 Social Justice Work with Groups, Communities & Social Movements
  • AP/SOWK 2070 3.0 Indigenous Understandings in Social Work Theory and Practice
  • AP/SOWK 3041 3.0 Communication
  • AP/SOWK 3060 6.0 Integrated Social Work Practice
  • AP/SOWK 3070 3.0 Foundations of Social Work Research
  • AP/SOWK 3110 3.0 Policy Frameworks
  • AP/SOWK 4020 3.0 Issues in the Study of the Welfare State: Power, Organization and Bureaucracy (to be completed concurrently with placement)

Note: if you have already completed SOWK 2030 6.0 Critical Perspectives on Society, you are not required to enroll into the replacement courses SOWK 2060 and SOWK 2070

Practicum Pre-Requisites
To apply for placement, Post-Degree students must have successfully completed all core social work courses as listed below:

Core Social Work Courses

  • AP/SOWK 2050 6.0 Identity, Diversity and Anti-Discriminatory Practice
  • AP/SOWK 2060 3.0 Social Justice Work with Groups, Communities & Social Movements
  • AP/SOWK 2070 3.0 Indigenous Understandings in Social Work Theory and Practice
  • AP/SOWK 3041 3.0 Communication
  • AP/SOWK 3060 6.0 Integrated Social Work Practice
  • AP/SOWK 3070 3.0 Foundations of Social Work Research
  • AP/SOWK 3110 3.0 Policy Frameworks
  • AP/SOWK 4020 3.0 Issues in the Study of the Welfare State: Power, Organization and Bureaucracy (to be completed concurrently with placement)

Note: if you have already completed SOWK 2030 6.0 Critical Perspectives on Society, you are not required to enroll into the replacement courses SOWK 2060 and SOWK 2070

Mandatory Orientations

Planning for Practicum Orientation

A mandatory Planning for Practicum Orientation audio presentation is shared in the Fall term for students intending to begin placement in the following academic year. This orientation is intended to give students a general overview of the practicum requirement and prepares them to apply for placement.

Applying for Practicum Orientation

A mandatory Applying for Practicum Orientation follows to provide students with an outline of the placement process and the responsibilities of the placement student and the Field Education Office. The online placement application is also discussed.

Upcoming Events

BSW Beginning Placement Orientation (for Jan 2025 placement)

Monday, January 6, 2025, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

MSW FT Beginning Placement (for Jan 2025 placement)

Monday, January 6, 2025 11:00 am - 1:00 p.m. (via ZOOM)

MSW Yr 1 Beginning Placement (for Jan 2025 placement) & Applying for Placement (Yr 2)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 9:30 am - 11:30 a.m. (via ZOOM)

Ready to Apply?

You can apply for practicum through Experience York.

Beginning Practicum Orientation

Once students are placed, they are required to attend the mandatory Beginning Practicum Orientation. This orientation offers information about the necessary documentation required for placement and the responsibilities of the student, Field Instructor, and Faculty Advisor.

Time Requirements

All BSW students must complete 700 hours.

Direct-Entry students will complete these hours 3 days a week, from September through April. 

Post-Degree BSW students may begin the practicum in September or January and can complete their practicum by spending a minimum of two full 7-hour days to a maximum of five full 7-hour days per week. 

It is important for students to note that while the Field Education Office strives to offer Post-Degree students flexibility in completing their placements hours, flexible placement opportunities such as block (4-5 placement days/week) and evening/weekend placements are limited. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students attempt to make arrangements to complete 3 placement days/week during regular daytime working hours.

Work Placements

A student can request to complete their practicum at their place of work. Students must submit a Work Placement Proposal to their Field Education Coordinator in addition to their online placement application by the specified deadline. 

Please note that a work placement is not guaranteed. Certain criteria must be met and Work Placement Proposals are subject to approval by the Field Education Manager. Please refer to the practicum manual and contact your Field Education Coordinator for more information. 

Integrative Seminars

Students will be assigned a Faculty Advisor who will lead four Integrative Seminars throughout the placement. These seminars provide a forum for students to share practicum experiences and further reflect and integrate theory with practice. Seminars are mandatory and CANNOT BE included in placement hours. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You’ll be assigned a Faculty Advisor who will guide you through the experience and evaluate your performance alongside Field Instructor(s).

BSW students must complete 700 hours. The length of your practicum varies by the number days you complete per week.

The Applying for Practicum Orientation held by the Field Education Office will outline the application process for practicum students.

Students will need to be enrolled in 9 credits per term during the Fall and Winter to be eligible for OSAP as a full time student. Please connect with Student Financial Services to talk about your eligibility.

Students who are on an unpaid placement are fully insured by York University.

Please connect with your Student Accessibility Services Counsellor and ask them to provide your Field Education Coordinator an accommodation letter which outlines your placement-related accommodations.

Our process is to review student practicum applications and provide a match based on the areas of interest and population you wish to work with. We do not provide agency lists to choose from.

Hospital and schoolboard placements CAN ONLY be explored for MSW students in their advanced practicum.

Please do not connect with agencies on your own prior to having a conversation with the Field Education Coordinator. The Field Education Office has existing partnerships with many agencies and it could be that we have already matched a student to that agency/practicum.

Contact the Field Education Office

If you have any questions about practicum please contact a Field Education Office staff member.

Partiban Giritharan
Field Education Manager

Saran Archer
Field Education Coordinator
Ext. 66320

Sahana Karunakaran
Field Education Coordinator
Ext. 33354

Field Education Program Assistant