The effectiveness of social work education depends on the skills and knowledge students develop through engaging in a process of practice-based education and learning. The School of Social Work would like to thank their community partners and Field Instructors for their support in this process!
Both students and Field Instructors benefit from practicum. Field Instructors contribute to the ongoing development of professional social work practice. Simultaneously, students incorporate theory learned in the classroom to support the goals of the organization.
The Field Education Manager and Field Education Coordinators are continuously working to build partnerships where students can engage in meaningful learning opportunities.
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There are also many ways to advance your career:
- Opportunity to join the Field Education Committee as a core member. Please contact the Field Education Manager if you are interested in this or interested in attending some meetings as a consultant.
- Field Instruction may be used towards the Continuing Competency Program with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
- After three (3) consecutive years of Field supervision, Field Instructors can apply for Adjunct Faculty status.
- Potential of Faculty Advising Contract for experienced Field Instructors.
Responsibilities of the Field Instructor
The School looks for Field Instructors to do the following:
- Orient the student to the agency and community.
- Support the student in developing a Learning Contract which outlines their learning goals and plans for goal attainment.
- Provide meaningful experiences and learning opportunities.
- Offer on-going (ad-hoc or scheduled) support and supervision to the student.
- Provide shadowing opportunities for the student.
- Communicate with the Faculty Advisor as needed.
- Encourage on-going debriefing and feedback as well as formal evaluations.
- When possible, attend Field Instructor Seminars held at the School of Social Work.
Upcoming Events
Field Instructor Workshop: Building a Positive Context for Supervision and Learning
Thursday, January 16, 2025
10:00 am - 12:00 pm via ZOOM
Criteria for Accreditation
The BSW and MSW programs at York University are accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE). As such, the School is required to abide by accreditation standards which suggest that a BSW student should be supervised by a BSW-qualified Field Instructor and an MSW student be supervised by an MSW-qualified Field Instructor. The School recognizes that there may be professionals with a variety of backgrounds, levels of enthusiasm, and experience who would be interested in providing field instruction. We encourage those who are interested in supervising student to contact the Field Education Office.
Criteria for Practicum Sites
The School looks for Field Instructors to do the following:
- The School generally partners with non-profit agencies in the social service sector.
- The agency is willing to provide a learning environment for the student where they are orienting and accepting them as a member of the team.
- The Field Instructor can commit to supervising the student and completing the Mid-point Progress Review/Final Evaluation. A co-supervision model can be explored for practicum.
- The agency can offer students a suitable workspace. The School recognizes that students may have to share space in some instances.
- An active Affiliation Agreement.
If you have any questions please contact Esther Ng, Field Education Program Assistant.
Supervising York University social work students at North York Harvest Food Bank has been an incredible experience. As an organization we welcome the opportunity to partner with academic institutions committed to social justice and anti-oppression like the School of Social Work at York University, and have benefited from every student's contribution to our organization. As an alum of the school myself, I love being able to engage with students about the latest trends in social work theory and practice and how they can apply to our work in food security.
— Chiara Padovani, MSW
Field Instructor at North York Harvest Food Bank
Collaborating with Social Work students from York has been a welcome opportunity to bridge theory and practice, as well as ensure that our agency and program are staying on top of emerging trends in research critical analysis. Students are directly involved in all aspects of our operations, from program development and delivery, to policy consultation and advocacy across levels of government, to community organizing and capacity-building. It continues to be an inspiring and empowering experience to be part of their journeys, and to remain connected as colleagues when they enter the field!
— Robb Johannes
Health Promotions Specialist at Fred Victor
I have had the opportunity to supervise amazing MSW students at York U. The Social Work Program has fostered students in becoming effective, innovative leaders with critical thinking skills, who genuinely want to make a difference. Thank you to the Social Work Department for the experience and support.
— Susan Sabnani, MSW, RSW
Field Instructor from Toronto District School Board
Newcomer Centre of Peel (NCP) is delighted to provide hands on experience to the co-op students in different departments such as Employment, Settlement, and Youth Department. York University’s co-op students work with different staff members at NCP to learn about different challenges that the newcomers experience. NCP provides an exemplary experience to the York University’s students by showing them how to effectively support a newcomer family. York University’s students come with a vast knowledge of theories that could be applied to our daily practices while assisting newcomer families. I have a great relationship with my student placements, we are constantly learning from each other
— Zunaira Baig
Job Developer at the Newcomer Centre of Peel