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Home » Past Productions » 1972 Season

1972 Season

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis De Sade

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis De Sade

Vanier College Hall

The play depicts French writer and aristocrat Marquis de Sade directing a performance while institutionalized in an asylum. Relating the death of revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat at the hand of Charlotte Corday, the play, also starring de Sade, sees the disturbed mental patients become increasingly unruly during the course of the story.

Written by Peter Weiss
​Music by Richard Peaslee

Directed by Fredrick H. Thury
Assistant Directed by Judy Snow
Production Manager Diane Wallace

Set Designed by Fredrick H. Thury
Conducted by Glen Morley
Lighting Operated by Paul Muir
Costume Designed by Debbie Dunleavy

Bernie Berticevich
Billie Walsin
Chris Terry
David Hackman
Diane Wallace
Don Cole
Francine Green
George Stairs
Glen Geb
Gord Masten
Jim Allen
Joe Miller
Judith Cohen
Karen Rosen
Marty Thib
Melanie Danson
Oliver Girling
Paul Wassman
Peter Foldy
Peter Snell
Philip Blais
Richard Robertson
Stan Zynoberg
Teri Donovan

Barbara Ackerman, Dan Marx, and Jody Segal

Simmone Abel, Catherine Cottington, ​Debbie Dunleavy, ​Carol Fine, Terry Kuhl, Glenn Morley, Paul Muir, Pat O'Rourke, Judy Snow, Erika Suleiman, ​Diane Wallace
