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Home » Past Productions » 1982 Season

1982 Season

Season Staff:

Nancy Accinelli, Executive Producer

​Fredrick H. Thury, Artistic Director

As You Like It

As You Like It

​​Vanier College Hall

As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin Celia to find safety and, eventually, love, in the Forest of Arden. In the forest, they encounter a variety of memorable characters, notably the melancholy traveller Jaques who speaks many of Shakespeare's most famous speeches. Jaques provides a sharp contrast to the other characters in the play, always observing and disputing the hardships of life in the country.

Written by William Shakespeare

Directed by Gary Schallenberg

Cast and Crew:
​Alvaro D'Antonio
Andris Cuksts
Anne Nicholson
Beverely J. Winter
Blake Gillan
Bob Gentleman
Brian Scott
Dan Prodonick
Dave Cameron
Dave Churchill
Dave Jorgensen
Dorothy Tenute
Ed Kuchmeister
Gary Schallenberg
J.P. Chassels
Jackie Wareham
Jenny Hynes
John Gazey
John Kirkwood
Judy Farthing
Karen Switzer
Keith Kemps
Kirstie Gough
Laura Beres
Laura Eggleston Lynn
Louise Boucher
Maralyn Blake
Marium Carvell Lawrence
Merlene Samuel
Michael Creal
Mike Mattachione
Nancy Accinelli
Paul Duncan
Peter Dawson
Peter Jotkus
Rebecca Diederichs
Rennie Zwolinski
Richard Paul
Rob Berry
Ron Moore
Sara Meurling
Shawn Grey
Steve Plotkin
Susan Adams
Todd Kaufman
Tony Stanfl
Valerie A. Sipos

Oh! Chaucer!

Oh! Chaucer!

​Vanier College Hall

Written by Geoffrey Chaucer

Directed by Gary Schallenberg

​Adele Robinson
Amy Maggiacomo
Andrea Longo
Andrew Michael Tibbetts
Anita Boldt
Anne Nicholson
Athena Menelaou
Beverely J. Winter
Blair Thomson
Bob Gentleman
Caren Campbell
Constance Shore
David Moen
Diana Maderic
Ed Kuchmeister
Gary Barwin
Gary Dewar
Gary Schallenberg
Greg Shawn
Ilana Wal
Janet Welsh
Janice Jalowica
Jeanne Berryman
John Klemm
John Notten
Judi Patson
Kevin Mahon
Linda Balduzzi
Lisa Bernstein
Lisa Hawkins
Marialba Franch
Marium Carvell Lawrence
Melanie Howe
Melinda Little
Michael Creal
Nancy Accinelli
Natelie Chung
Paul Swing
Rennie Zwolinski
Richard Friedman
Richard Paul
Robert Leeming
Robin Madger
Sara Meurling
Simon Jacobs
Steve Plotkin
Susan Siblock
Tina Palmer
Tracey Galvin
Tracy Potts
Wendy Berner
