Established in honour of former Vice-President Finance and Administration Gary Brewer, the award recognizes and encourages early-career professionals who have demonstrated significant promise of leadership in their career. The award recognizes a staff member who has shown tremendous promise for assuming a leadership role at the University, is known for their innovative and meaningful contributions to the effectiveness of their unit, and has significantly contributed to the University’s commitment to excellence.
The award consists of a $400 purse to be used for professional development and a framed certificate. The winner’s name will also be engraved on an annual plaque that will be displayed in the winner’s home department for one year.
- Consistently demonstrates outstanding effective leadership skills, both within and beyond the scope of their responsibilities, including:
- High level of integrity and honesty
- Strong technical knowledge and skills
- Ability to communicate well and handle problems/conflict effectively
- Respectful of staff and colleagues
- Highly service-oriented
- Results-focused
- Demonstrates appreciation for differing views, equity and diversity
- Collaborative and team-oriented
- Contributes actively to the success of staff and coworkers by sharing information and knowledge, and highlighting the participation and contributions of others
- Demonstrates adaptability
- Motivates others
- Demonstrates innovative thinking
- Motivates and inspires their peers
- Demonstrates dedication to the University
- Successfully contributes to the University’s commitment to excellence
- Demonstrates that they are self-aware and focused on learning and professional growth
- Demonstrates leadership potential for assuming a leadership role at the University
- Nominee is a full-time staff member with a minimum of two (2) years of service at York University and less than 7 years of full-time work experience (as of December 31, 2024)
- Nominee is in a position that is at a level below a Director
- Nominee is a non-academic staff member (YUSA, CPM, CUPE 1356, IOUE)
Nomination File Requirements
The Chief Nominator is responsible for putting together a nomination file that consists of:
- Three (3) Letters (Maximum):
- One (1) lead nomination letter from the chief nominator
- Two (2) letters of support
- The nominee's C.V. or work history at York University
- The job description of the nominee's current position
Please feel free to download this checklist to help you compile the nomination file and ensure that you have met all of the requirements before completing the online nomination form. NOTE: This checklist does not need to be uploaded with the nomination form, and is for your reference only.
Nomination Guidelines
- One (1) of the letters must be from the nominee’s current Manager
- The chief nominator and one supporting nominator, OR two (2) of the supporting nominators must be from outside of the nominee’s home department
- Each letter is from an individual author (multiple authors on a letter are not permitted)
- Self-nominations are not permitted
Letter Formatting and Content Guidelines
- Each letter does not exceed a total of three (3) pages, and the total number of pages of ALL letters
- combined does not exceed nine (9) pages
- Specific examples are used to describe how the nominee:
- Contributes to the goals and objectives of their office, division and/or the broader York Community
- Meets or exceeds each of the award criteria
- Quotations from other persons are not permitted
- No acronyms are used in the letter
- Do not include any references or confidential documents such as employee performance
ratings or evaluations
Excellence is everywhere at York. We encourage you to consider nominating someone from outside your home department.
Applications for the 2024 President's Staff Recognition Awards will open in Winter 2025.