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Module 35

Secondary alert block

This module is used to display temporary notice and alerts on a specific website such as unexpected closures, community alerts, technological disruptions, etc. It is not intended for institution-wide communications.

Message to be direct, short and specific to a maximum of seven (7) words.

Use Guidelines
Only one alert message at a time.
It is not intended for institution-wide communications.
Do not use this block to repurpose institution-wide messages.

Type of Content
These alerts are intended for only special time-based notices that directly impact the webpage target audiences such as operations, technical disruptions, security, closures, etc. They are not to be used for additional highlighted content that showcases news, profiles, job postings, in memoriam notices, or events.

How to Add Modules

To add modules to the Gutenberg editor, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin interface and open a post or page editor
  2. Click the plus button in the top left corner or in the body of the post/page
  3. You can either:
    • Click on Patterns, scroll through them until you find the module you want to use or
    • Search for the module you would like to add using either the module name or number
  4. Click the module to add it

The module will be added to the body of your post or page.


A simple warning alert—check it out!