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Faculty of Education unveils new videos “Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education” to help mark its 50th Anniversary Year

The Faculty of Education at York introduces a new four part video series inspiring and showcasing its bold leadership in education which helps create more just communities.

The videos visually represent the Faculty’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization. They reflect the positive change which the Faculty helps drive, and experiences in return, by working with its various stakeholders including students, alumni, community partners, donors, faculty and staff.

Also highlighted is the Faculty’s new Five-Year Strategic Plan (2023-2027) which launched earlier this year. In helping to sharpen the Faculty’s focus, the team continues to deeply consider and respond to the way in which inequities play out in the 2020’s. Its reputation for sustained engagement and action plays a key role in society.

“The diversity and range of research in the Faculty addresses many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in how we think about all societal challenges as connected to our environments. Our work has international impact.” - Dean Robert Savage

The unveiling of the new videos marks a significant time for the Faculty as it celebrates its 50th Anniversary Year this June.

Meaningful education is ever-changing, engaging as it does, as it must, with society. As a Faculty we are thinking holistically about this dynamism across all of the ideas, innovations, partnerships, sectors, and fields with whom we engage, to continue to provide transformative research teaching and experiential learning experiences and environments for all our diverse students as they go on to become future leaders in all our communities. - Dean Robert Savage

Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education: Students & Alumni

Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education: Community Partners

Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education: Research & Scholarship

Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education: New Savitri Ahuja Education Award