Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Top Stories
Faculty of Education unveils new videos 'Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education' to help mark its 50th Anniversary Year - A new inspiring four part video series, showcases the Faculty's bold leadership in education which helps create more just communities. Read More
Congress 2023 a success - York University’s Keele Campus welcomed more than 10,000 guests and over 400 volunteers from May 27 to June 2, when the University hosted Congress 2023 in partnership with the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Read more
York University announces 15 new York Research Chairs (YRC) - Sue Winton, Faculty of Education has been named York Research Chair in Policy Analysis for Democracy. Winton’s YRC research program will collaborate with multiple public sector organizations to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education privatization in Canada. Read more
New Jean Augustine Chair Website Launched - The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community & Diaspora is a university chair in the Faculty of Education which aims to advance access, equity and inclusivity to education through community engagement and collaborative action. Visit the new website
Groundbreaking work in Faculty of Education will foster positive change - Teaching and learning in the Faculty of Education reflects a focus on innovation and improvement in order to both shape and respond to the complexities of education in the 21st century in a principled and informed way. Read more
Call for inclusive mathematics education research published in prestigious journal - York University Assistant Professor Molade Osibodu is the lead author on a paper titled “A Participatory Turn in Mathematics Education Research: Possibilities,” a paper published in the prestigious Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, which calls for greater participation in research involving minoritized communities. Read more
Two faculty members to receive honorific professorships - Professor Carl James was honoured during the 2023 Spring Convocation with a Distinguished Research Professorship and a University Professorship. Read more
Students team with UNESCO for educational videos on sustainability - York University Bachelor of Arts (BA) Educational Studies students teamed up with the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability to create educational videos covering current global education themes. Read more
Empowering Education: Meet Anthony Kosick, Honored Recipient of the 2023 OSSTF Award - The Faculty of Education takes immense pride in showcasing one of its recent graduates, Anthony Kosick, who has been honoured with the prestigious 2023 Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) award. Read More

Program Office Updates

Office of the Dean
As we continue to highlight our 50th Anniversary Year, we encourage staff and faculty to use these new anniversary Zoom screen backgrounds until June 8, 2024.
Background Example 1
Background Example 2
Dear Faculty Members,
York University is once again participating in the annual Maclean’s national university survey and the Faculty of Education is encouraging all of its faculty members to fill out this year’s Reputational Survey.
The Reputational Survey, which accounts for 20% of a university’s overall ranking score, asks university faculty members and senior administrators to rate Canada’s universities in three categories: Highest Quality, Most Innovative and Leaders of Tomorrow. As part of the Reputational Survey, Maclean’s will also ask you to rate various Programs, which include Business, Education, Nursing, Engineering, and Computer Science.
The Dean encourages you to fill out the brief, confidential survey, which takes no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your participation can make a real impact in moving the dial in this year’s ranking.
The Maclean’s Reputational Survey for faculty (English version) is available at:
The French-language version of the Reputational Survey is available at:
When filling out the survey, choose the job title closest to yours. For example, “Assistant Professors” and “Associate Professors” will need to choose the “Professor” option.
In the most recent Maclean’s University Rankings, York University moved up to 5th overall in the comprehensive schools category – one of its highest ranks ever. We’d like to keep that upward trajectory continuing once again this year for this mass magazine.

Student Services Office
The week of August 28th will be busy with lots of activities and information sessions for new students:
The Faculty of Education faculty and staff will be welcoming the new BA Educational Studies students on Tuesday, August 29th at Orientation.

Professional Learning Office
Faculty of Education responding to need for careers in skilled trades - Professional Learning in the Faculty of Education has introduced four new Technological Education Additional Qualification (AQ) courses and is merging classroom learning with on-site sector experience to address the shortage of high school teachers with these qualifications. Read more
New Publications
Assistant Professor Kiera Brant-Birioukov, along with her husband, authored a newly released publication through the City of Toronto, Indigenous Peoples in Toronto: An Introduction for Newcomers. Read more

In Case You Missed It...
1st Education Alumni Network Mixer - On May 18th the Faculty of Education and the Division of Advancement at York University collaborated in hosting the first Education Alumni Network Mixer! This casual and fun event united ED’s alumni, professors, and staff. They had an opportunity to reconnect on campus, forge new connections, and expand their professional networks. View video
Faculty of Education’s 50th Anniversary Celebration - On June 7th, the Faculty of Education commemorated its 50th Anniversary Year. To honour five decades of extraordinary education and leadership, the faculty hosted a celebratory event, launched a new video series - Leaders Supporting Future Leaders in Education, enjoyed inspiring speeches and performances featuring our alumni, and cake! View video

In the Media
Assistant professor Rachel Silver, co-authored an Op-Ed in the Boston Globe 'Titan rescue efforts raise questions about whether migrants’ lives are also worth saving. Read more
A Bot Aced My Homework - How ChatGPT is impacting the academic experience. Read more
Teachers draw envy and ire over their two-month ‘vacations.’ But do they really get the summer off? - Summer months off may not be the perk you think it is. For many teachers, it’s a time for courses, prepping lesson plans and learning new curriculums. Read more

News from the York Community
Announcement of term extension and appointment of new vice-provost academic - It was announced that Vice-Provost Academic Lyndon Martin has agreed to extend his term in this role until Dec. 31, 2023, at which point he will take up appointment as senior advisor on strategic academic program initiatives for a period of 18 months, until June 30, 2025. Read more
York University to confer 10 honorary degrees during Spring Convocation - Honorary degree recipients were recognized for their contributions to community building, their advocacy for social justice and their philanthropy, and will offer words of encouragement, motivation and congratulations to graduates. Read more
York UNESCO Chair team attends 2023 UN High-Level Political Forum - York University UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability Chairholder Charles Hopkins and Coordinator Katrin Kohl will join the official Canadian delegation to the 2023 United Nations High-Level Political Forum (UN HLPF). Read more

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Thank you to everyone who contributed to this edition of the Faculty of Education News Bulletin.
Created by:
Anderson Coward
Communications & Marketing Specialist
Adam Riley
Web Designer & Developer
Mariana Michaelis
Communications & Marketing Assistant
Barb Rodezno
Director - Strategic Communications, Marketing & Outreach