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Getting Reimbursed

York reimburses its employees for reasonable expenses incurred while on University business. Expenses will be allowed when incurred in accordance with the prescribed Hospitality policy and procedure and/or the Reimbursement of Expenses policy and procedure and are subject to audit.

Any deviation from policy requires advance approval from a dean, assistant vice-president, or higher and shall be supported by a written, detailed justification.

Steps for Getting Reimbursed for Faculty & Staff

After the completion of travel, an expense report needs to be completed in order to get reimbursed for your out-of-pocket expenses. The claimant (or an authorized expense claim preparer) is required to follow these steps when initiating a reimbursement request.

  1. Gather receipts, proof of payment and all other back-up documentation.
  2. Sign on to York's on-line expense system Concur Expense using your Passport York log-in. Note: Classroom training to use Concur Expense is available by visiting YU Learn.
  3. Select "Create a New Expense Report" and begin creating your expense report.
  4. Electronically submit the expense report for approval

Providing there are no issues with the expense report, the usual processing time using Concur Expense is 5 business days once the report has gone through the mandatory approval flow and is cleared for payment processing. Reimbursement is issued via employee direct deposit into the claimants bank account. At the time of payment an e-mail is sent to the claimant advising them of payment.

Need assistance or have a question, contact

Helpful Quick Links for Getting Reimbursed

Concur Quick Tips

Learn 5 key tips to make your expense claims simpler and faster!

Employee Direct Deposit

To receive payment quicker sign-up for direct deposit. Find out how...

Help with processing Expense Claims

Helpful resources to assist with expense claims.

Visitor Expense Claims

The University often reimburses travel incurred by external individuals. Learn the process.

Honoraria Expenses

Understand honoraria expenses and how to get them processed.

Required supporting documentation

Know what is required when submitting expense claims.

Tips when approving Expense Claims

Know what to look for when approving expense claims.

Deadlines for Submitting Expense Claims

Know the timelines for submitting expense claims.