Thursday, March 7, 2024
3:00 p.m.
This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found via the meeting's email notice.
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
2. Graduate Wellness Update
Graduate Student Wellness Resource List (.docx) | Graduate Student Wellness Information Sheet (.docx)
Guest: Michael Sa'd, Manager, Graduate Student Wellness Services
3. York University Libraries' Support for Grant-funded Research Projects
Presentation (.pptx)
Guest: Kris Joseph, Acting Director, Digital Scholarship Infrastructure (Assistant Librarian), Scott Library
4. Office of Sustainability Fall Update
Presentation (.pptx)
Guest: Mike Layton, Chief Sustainability Officer
5. Hortative Motion
Alireza Gorgani Dorcheh, President, Graduate Students' Association
"BIRT: FGS council stands firm in protecting the freedom of speech and academic freedom of all students and faculty. We condemn all acts of harassment, threats, abuse, and doxxing that target either individual students or groups of students – whether online, in print, or, for example, as when, on October 17, 2023, York students were “named and shamed” by a government minister in the provincial legislature – and we affirm the rights of our students to express their views on matters of conscience, without the threat of sanction or intimidation. FGS council offers its support and solidarity to students who have suffered such online and offline abuse and harassment."
6. Minutes (Previous Meeting, February 1, 2024) (.docx)
7. Business Arising from the Minutes
8. Dean's Remarks
9. Appeals & Academic Honesty Committee ~ Submission in Support of DEDI Motion
For approval
Motion (.docx)
Reflective questions (.docx)
Approved by the Appeals & Academic Honesty Committee on January 22, 2024, and by the Academic Planning & Policy Committee on February 14, 2024
10. Changes in Faculty Regulations ~ Admission: English Language Proficiency
For approval
Associate Director, Graduate Academic Affairs Wes Moir
Motion (.docx)
Approved by Academic Planning & Policy Committee on February 14, 2024
11. Updates to Regulations ~ Graduate Programs (new sections)
For discussion
Associate Director, Graduate Academic Affairs Wes Moir
Motion (.docx)
Senate Academic nomenclature: professional Master's (.docx)
12. Reports from Faculty of Graduate Studies' Representatives to Senate Committees
Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
Saskia Van Viegen, Senate Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee
Melanie Cao, Senate Executive Committee's Subcommittee on Honorary Degrees & Ceremonials
Naomi Couto, Senate Executive Committee
13. Senate Synopses
For information
Summaries of Senate meetings of January 25 and February 15, 2024 (pdf/URL)