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Home » Faculty & Staff » Council and Governance » Faculty Council » Council Meeting Agenda December 3, 2020; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies, 3:00 p.m.

Council Meeting Agenda December 3, 2020; York University Faculty of Graduate Studies, 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 3, 2020
3:00 p.m.

This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom.  The link and password to join the meeting may be found in the meeting's email notice.

1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks

2. Student System Renewal Program

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Guests:  Marie Limanni, Executive Director, Student System Renewal Program; Lucy Bellissimo, Senior Program Director, Business Transformation

Student Systems Renewal Program Presentation (.pdf)

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (November 5,2020) (.docx)

4. Business Arising from the Minutes

5. Dean's Remarks and Discussion

6. Reports from FGS Representatives to Senate Committees

Evan Light, Senate Academic Planning, Policy & Research Committee
Mark Hayward, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, Senate Executive Committee
Naomi Couto, Senate Executive Committee's Subcommittee on Honorary Degrees & Ceremonials

7. Provision of Digital Diplomas

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Provision of Digital Diplomas to Students (.docx)Note: This document was revised prior to Council to include additional information.
Guest:  Frances Billingsley, Associate Registrar & Director, Student Records and Scheduling, Office of the University Registrar

8. Strategic Entrepreneurship Plan

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Strategic Entrepreneurship Plan (.pdf)Memo (.docx)
Guest:  Sarah Howe, Assistant Vice-President, Innovation & Research Partnerships, Innovation York

9. Criteria and Procedures for Appointments and Reappointments

Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 11, 2020

* * *   F o r   A p p r o v a l  * * *

Graduate Program in Biology
Rationale (.docx)Proposed criteria and procedures (.docx) | Existing criteria and procedures (.pdf)

10. Changes in Degree Requirements

Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 11, 2020

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Graduate Program in Accounting
Change in course requirements to make Accounting 6650 3.0:  “Strategic Performance Evaluation” a core course (.pdf)Learning objectives (.pdf)

11. Changes in Diploma Requirements

Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on November 11, 2020

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Graduate Diploma in Advanced Accounting
Change in course requirements to make Accounting 6650 3.0:  “Strategic Performance Evaluation” a core course (.pdf)

12. Other Business