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Postdoctoral fellows

Postdoctoral Researchers Applying for External Funding to be Held at York University

In general, to receive the required institutional signature to apply for external funding supporting postdoctoral researchers, the Faculty of Graduate Studies requires all application materials to be submitted to the Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator at least 10 business days before the competition deadline. Please note that the required signature cannot be obtained through […]

FGS presents the 2023 Postdoctoral Supervisor Award to Alison Crosby and Amro Zayed

The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) honoured two exceptional professors, Alison Crosby and Amro Zayed, with the Postdoctoral Supervisor Award. The celebration took place during the FGS council meeting on Thursday, December 7th. The Postdoctoral Supervisor Award is presented annually to a faculty member in any department and program at York University, who demonstrates exemplary […]

Valuable resources and tools for postdoctoral scholars at York

Postdoctoral Fellows are among the most active researchers at York University and are a vital part of our community. In addition to the mentorship of supervisors and other faculty members, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) offers professional development opportunities, events, and resources to Postdoctoral scholars that enrich their professional development and help build networks […]

FGSnews (e-newsletter) Submission Guidelines

FGSnews is a monthly newsletter produced by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) that is sent to all active graduate community members through York's constituent relationship management (CRM) system. The newsletter encapsulates information for our graduate community and campus partners; which includes key dates, important information, relevant news stories, financial opportunities, scholarships and awards, events […]

Join in on the fun: FGS announces the Grad Sports League

On Friday, September 16th more than 40 grad students and faculty members met on the fields near Tait Mackenzie for the inaugural event of the Grad Sports League. Four teams battled for the top spot in a round-robin Ultimate Frisbee tournament. This was the first of many matches to come, all housed at York University. […]

Individualized Development Plan (IDP) - Postdoctoral Researchers

Individualized Development Plan (IDP) - Postdoctoral Researchers The Faculty of Graduate Studies' IDP is a tool to assist postdoctoral researchers, like you, to identify and develop your goals during your fellowship. When creating an IDP, with the help of a mentor, you can enhance your professional growth and skills by: Download the IDP Revisit your […]

FGS reflects on the positive changes 2021 brought to our community!

Even though 2021 has been a year full of challenges and uncertainties, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) has been able to create meaningful opportunities and innovative programs to support students, postdocs, faculty and staff. It is difficult to capture all the accomplishments, events and contributions of FGS, but a few important highlights deserve a […]

Communications Preferences

The Faculty of Graduate Studies is committed to providing graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and staff with an informative and respectful email communications experience. Beginning fall 2015, and with the support of University Information Technology (UIT) and the Division of Students, FGS has adopted a new bulk email software to communicate important registrarial information, funding, […]

Links of Interest for Postdoctoral Fellows

Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars A Canadian committee of postdoctoral scholars and representatives who meet regularly (and virtually) to discuss issues arising across the country relevant to postdocs. This website provides news, information and resources relevant to Canadian postdoc, and publishes job ads. Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Administrators A Canadian organization of administrators and staff […]

Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award

Overview and Call for Nominations Recognition will be given to one Postdoctoral Supervisor who has demonstrated exemplary support for postdoctoral scholars at York University, exceeding general supervisory expectations. One Postdoctoral Supervisor will be honoured with the Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award at the Postdoctoral Welcome Event each fall. Nominations must provide evidence that the […]