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8th Annual LA&PS Celebration of Student Academic Achievement

8th Annual LA&PS Celebration of Student Academic Achievement

Dear Colleagues,

I had the pleasure of attending the 8th Annual LA&PS Celebration of Student Academic Achievement yesterday.

The Dean's Award for Academic Excellence - Honourable Mention - awarded to domestic students with a grade-point average of at least 8.5 based on a course load of at least 30 credits - went to two of our best and brightest, who are also SUSA Execs!

BIG congratulations to Rory McDonald [2nd yr award] and Alexandria Pavelich [3rd year award].

Alexandria is here with other 3rd year winners. Although Rory couldn't make the event, we cheered and clapped proudly when her name was called!

Their success also speaks of ours! Please keep an eye out when invited to this event next year so you too can join in the celebration!



Deborah Davidson, PhD
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director
Department of Sociology
York University, 4700 Keele St.
Toronto ON, M3J 1P3
416-736-2100 x60310