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Sociology professor discusses how better digital literacy could mitigate conspiracy theories in article for The Conversation

S. Harris Ali, a professor in the Department of Sociology at York University, has co-written an article for The Conversation with Sibo Chen, Associate Professor in the School of Professional Communication at Toronto Metropolitan University. They discuss how conspiracy theories linked to natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires are an evolving and growing challenge for […]

Distinguished Research Professor Emerita Pat Armstrong co-edits book on long-term care crisis 

Professor Emeritus Pat Armstrong, Distinguished Research Profession of the Department of Sociology, has co-edited a newly published book entitled, The Labour Crisis in Long-term Care: The Right to Care. The other two editors include Jacqueline A. Choiniere, Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at York University and Hugh Armstrong, Professor Emeritus of Social Work […]

LA&PS Sociology program ranked in prestigious Shanghai Ranking 

York University has made it in the top 100 worldwide for key subject areas in the prestigious Shanghai Ranking Consultancy’s Global ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS). Included in the subject list is the LA&PS Sociology program, ranked top five in Canada and in the top 100 worldwide.  The Shanghai Ranking, also known as the Academic […]

YRC Political Sociology of Health Speaker Series: Omitted Births and their Consequences, with Amanda Cheong

By Joanne Ong On October 21st, 2024, LA&PS hosted the YRC Political Sociology of Health Speaker Series, sponsored by the York Research Chair Program, the Resource Centre for Public Sociology and the Department of Sociology, featuring Professor Amanda Cheong talk on Omitted Births and their Consequences. Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of British […]

Associate Professor Cary Wu honoured twice at the 2024 York University Research Awards Celebration

Associate Professor Cary Wu, in the Department of Sociology, received acknowledgement in both the Notable Early Career Awards category and in the York Research Chairs category during the 2024 York University Research Awards Celebration. The York University Research Award Celebration honours York’s scholars across all faculties and schools for their remarkable achievements and contributions to […]

Socioeconomic and Health Vulnerabilities of Women in the Context of COVID-19: The Experience of Female Bushmeat Traders in Ghana

Date: June 4, 2024 Time: 10 - 11 a.m. Format: HybridVenue: Vari Hall 2101 (York University) Women in Ghana, as in many parts of Africa, face serious socioeconomic and health barriers daily: Not only do they have limited access to land, credit, healthcare, and other social protection programs, but they also do most of the household activities […]

Exploring Archival Research Workshop

Thursday January 25, 2024 1:00-3:30 via Zoom This workshop will introduce attendees to archival research and provide tools for using archives in research. The workshop is built around two (2) themes: archival research about work and successes and challenges in doing archival research. Panelists will speak from experiences as archivists with expertise in social history, […]

SUSA Presents Destressing with dogs

SUSA is a student organization catering to the academic and social life of sociology undergraduates. We function as a liaison between the Department of Sociology and undergraduate students. SUSA provides support and a voice for undergraduates, as well as guiding students to helpful resources. Take a break and join us at our destressing with dogs […]

UPDigest - Sociology Newsletter (Fall 2023)

Fall 2023 Newsletter Hi all We're running this digest since the global pandemic hit in March 2020. You can find previous newsletters on the UPDigest page. When looking back, it seems that each iteration of the digest has been framed around some major crisis. The evocation of such crises has certainly to do with our […]

UPDigest - Sociology Newsletter (January 2023)

Sociology@York Newsletter, February 2023 Current Perspectives on the Sociology of Health and Illness Dear Students, In our first newsletter in 2023 we introduce you to recent contributions to the Sociology of Health and Illness in our department. For the past few years of living through the Covid-19 pandemic, we have collectively seen and felt the […]