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Faculty Publications

Our faculty members regularly publish their research in leading journals including Social Forces, Social Science Research, Social Science & Medicine, Work, Employment, and Society, Urban Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Canadian Review of Sociology, American Journal of Sociology, British Journal of Sociology and others.  

We publish award-winning books with university presses like Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, Duke, Toronto, UBC, and with other publishers including Palgrave, Routledge, Between the Lines, Pluto and Bloomsbury.

Beyond publications, many of our faculty members are public sociologists, sharing their work with the media, policy makers and community partners.  

Browse the cutting edge research from our tireless and dedicated faculty members who continue to push boundaries and gain recognition for their contributions. We hope their efforts help and inspire your work. Please feel free to reach out to us for collaboration opportunities.

Featured Publication

Another Marx: Early Manuscripts to the International book cover

Another Marx: Early Manuscripts to the International

by Marcello Musto

Following the break-up of the Soviet Union, Marx was regarded as a thinker doomed to oblivion about whom everything had already been said and written. However, the international economic crisis of 2008 favoured a return to his analysis of capitalism, and recently published volumes of the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA²) have provided researchers with new texts that underline the gulf between Marx’s critical theory and the dogmatism of many twentieth-century Marxisms.

This work reconstructs with great textual and historical rigour, but in a form accessible to those encountering Marx for the first time, a number of little noted, or often misunderstood, stages in his intellectual biography.

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
Refereed Article

Hadj-Moussa, R., & Derradji, I. (2020). Une si longue absence : Notes sur la politicité de la rue en Algérie [Such a long absence: On street politicity in Algeria]. Maghreb – Machrek, 245(3), 13–32.  

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
Refereed Article

Hadj-Moussa, R., & Tilmatine, M. (2020). Minorities and the politics of recognition in Algeria: Kabylia and the M’zab. Confluences Méditerrannée, 114(3), 135–147.  

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Refereed Article

Hastings, C., Mykhalovskiy, E., Sanders, C., and Bisaillon, L. (2020). Disrupting a Canadian prairie fantasy and constructing racial otherness: An analysis of news media coverage of Trevis Smith’s criminal HIV non-disclosure case. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 45(1), 1–22.  

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Refereed Article

Mykhalovskiy, E., & French, M. (2020). COVID-19 and the politics of prevention. Sociology of Health and Illness, 42(8), e4–e15.  

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Refereed Article

Mykhalovskiy, E., Kanarek, R., Hastings, C., Doig, J., & Rock, M. (2020). Normative tensions in the popular representation of children with disabilities and animal-assisted therapy. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(2), 10–38.  

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Refereed Article

Mykhalovskiy, E., Kazatchkine, C., Foreman-Mackey, A., Mcclelland, A., Peck, R., Hastings, C., & Elliott, R. (2020). Human rights, public health and COVID-19 in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111(6), 975–979.  

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Refereed Article

Rangel, J. C., Ranade, S., Sutcliffe, P., Mykhalovskiy, E., Gastaldo, D., & Eakin, J. (2020). COVID-19 policy measures – advocating for the inclusion of the social determinants of health in modelling and decision making. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(4), 1078–1080.  

Muyang Li
Refereed Article

Li, M., & Luo, Z. (2020). The ‘bad women drivers’ myth: The overrepresentation of female drivers and gender bias in China’s media. Information, Communication & Society, 23(5), 776–793.  

Michael Nijhawan
Refereed Article

Nijhawan, M. (2020). Haunted by the event: A response. Sikh Formations, 16(1-2), 200–208.  

Lesley J. Wood
Refereed Article

Wood, L. J. (2020a). Policing counterprotest. Sociology compass, 14(11), 110.  

Lesley J. Wood
Refereed Article

Wood, L. J. (2020b). The Seattle model. Socialism and democracy, 34(1), 51–65.  

Lesley J. Wood
Refereed Article

Wood, L. J., Cox, L., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2020). Organizing amidst Covid-19 [Editorial]. Interface: A journal for and about social movements, 12(1), 1–9.  

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C. (2020). Does migration affect trust? Internal migration and the stability of trust among Americans. The Sociological Quarterly, 61(3), 523–543.  

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C. (2020). How does gun violence affect Americans’ trust in each other? Social Science Research, 91, 102449, Article 102449.

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C., Fuller, S., Shi, Z., & Wilkes, R. (2020). The gender gap in commenting: Women are less likely than men to comment on (men’s) published research. PloS One, 15(4), Article e0230043.  

Cary Wu
Refereed Article

Wu, C., Wilkes, R., Fairbrother, M., & Giordano, G. (2020). Social capital, trust, and state coronavirus testing. Contexts(30).  

Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science and Health Care Canada. book cover

Eric Mykhalovskiy
Edited Book

Mykhalovskiy, E., Choiniere, J., Armstrong, P., & Armstrong, H. (Eds.). (2020). Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science and Health Care Canada. University of Toronto Press.  

We resist: Defending the common good in hostile times - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P. (2020). Never done: The struggle for health care. In C. Levine-Rasky & L. Kowalchuk (Eds.), We resist: Defending the common good in hostile times (pp. 107–113). McGill-Queen’s University Press.  

Navigating private and public healthcare: Experiences of patients, doctors and policy makers - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P., & Armstrong, H. (2020). Contracting out care: Nursing homes in Canada. In F. Collyer & K. Willis (Eds.), Navigating private and public healthcare: Experiences of patients, doctors and policy makers (pp. 87–103). Palgrave Macmillan.  

The privatization of care: The case of nursing homes - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P., & Armstrong, H. (2020). Privatizing care: Setting the stage. In P. Armstrong & H. Armstrong (Eds.), The privatization of care: The case of nursing homes (pp. 17–37). Routledge.  

Beyond digital capitalism: New ways of living: Socialist register 2021 - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P., & Armstrong, H. (2020). Start early, stay late: Planning for care in old age. In L. Panitch & G. Albo (Eds.), Beyond digital capitalism: New ways of living: Socialist register 2021 (pp. 246–256). The Merlin Press.  

Working in the context of austerity - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P., & Baines, D. (2020). Privatization, hybridization and resistance in contemporary care work. In D. Baines & I. Cunningham (Eds.), Working in the context of austerity (pp. 97–108). Policy Press.  

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., & Bourgeault, I. (2020). Privatization and COVID-19: A deadly combination for nursing homes. In C. M. Flood, V. MacDonnell, J. Philpott, S. Thériault, & S. Venkatapuram (Eds.), Vulnerable: The policy, law and ethics of COVID-19 (pp. 447–462). University of Ottawa Press.  

The privatization of care: The case of nursing homes - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Mcdonald, M., & Doupe, M. (2020). Privatization of long-term residential care in Canada: The case of three provinces. In P. Armstrong & H. Armstrong (Eds.), The privatization of care: The case of nursing homes (pp. 87–101). Routledge.  

The privatization of care: The case of nursing homes - book cover

Pat Armstrong
Chapter in Edited Book

Barken, R., & Armstrong, P. (2020). Shifting responsibilities for care: The experiences of staff and families in long-term residential care. In P. Armstrong & H. Armstrong (Eds.), The privatization of care: The case of nursing homes (pp. 209–223). Routledge.  

Strangers to Neighbours: Refugee Sponsorship in Context. book cover

Luin Goldring
Chapter in Edited Book

Macklin, A., Barber, K., Goldring, L., Hyndman, J., Korteweg, A., & Zyfi, J. (2020). Kindred spirits? Links between refugee sponsorship and family sponsorship. In S. Labman & G. Cameron (Eds.), Strangers to Neighbours: Refugee Sponsorship in Context. McGill-Queen’s University Press.  

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
Chapter in Edited Book

Hadj-Moussa R., & Tilmatine, M. (2020). Cultures minoritaires en Algérie: La Kabylie et le Mzab aux limites de l’impenseé politique [Minority cultures in Algeria: Kabylia and Mzab at the limits of political impensity]. In J. Guyot (Ed.), Cultures de résistance, peuples et langues minorisés [Cultures of resistance, peoples and minority languages] (pp. 111–127). Presses des Mines.  

Algeria: Decade 2010-2020: The origins of the popular movement of 22 February 2019. book cover

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa
Chapter in Edited Book

Hadj-Moussa, R. (2020). Les protestations populaires au Mzab : Les heurts intercommunautaires au miroir de la génération politique [Popular protests in Mzab: Intercommunity clashes in the mirror of the political generation]. In A. Kadri (Ed.), Algérie, décennie 2010-2020. Aux origines du mouvement populaire du 22 Février 2019 [Algeria: Decade 2010-2020: The origins of the popular movement of 22 February 2019] (pp. 184–241). Éditions du Croquant.  

The Bloomsbury Companion to Arendt - book cover

Philip D. Walsh
Chapter in Edited Book

Walsh, P. (2020). Max Weber: Methodology, action and politics In P. Gratton & Y. Sari (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Arendt (pp. 88–95). Bloomsbury.  

We resist: Defending the common good in hostile times - book cover

Lesley J. Wood
Chapter in Edited Book

Wood, L. J. (2020). Disrupting protest and distrusting the police In C. Levine-Rasky & L. Kowalchuk (Eds.), We resist: Defending the common good in hostile times (pp. 152–158). McGill-Queen’s Press.