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Home » Past Productions » 1983 Season

1983 Season

Season Staff:

Nancy Accinelli, Executive Producer

Fredrick H. Thury, Artistic Director

The Fantasticks

The Fantasticks


The Fantasticks is a funny and romantic musical about a boy, a girl, and their two fathers who try to keep them apart. The narrator, El Gallo, asks the audience to use their imagination and follow him into a world of moonlight and magic. The boy and the girl fall in love, grow apart and finally find their way back to each other after realizing the truth in El Gallo's words that, "without a hurt, the heart is hollow."

Book and Lyrics by Tom Jones
​Music by Harvey Schmidt

Directed by Fredrick H. Thury

Cast and Crew:
​Adele Robinson
Albert Schultz Hamilton
Andrea Longo
Andrew Michael Tibbetts
Anita Boldt
Antanella Lacaprara
Bella Ezerzer
Bob Gentleman
Bob Johnson
Brenda Garel
Caren Campbell
Carolyn Miller
Carolyn Moon
Catherine M. Sypnowich
Celia Morrison
Charles Funnell
Christine Oleksyk
Claudio Iacoe
Dave Byrnes
David Moen
Della Powell
Diana Maderic
Duncan Ollerenshaw
Ed Kuchmeister
Gary Dewar
Ilana Wal
Janet Welsh
Janice Jalowica
Jeanne Berryman
Jeff Miller
Jo Harvey
John Gazey
John Pennyfather
Judi Patson
Judy Siblin
Lauren Piech
Lisa Leyzak
Lori Balzereit
Lorna Singh
Marium Carvell Lawrence
Mark Weber
Melinda Little
Merril Shapiro
Michael Harms
Nancy Accinelli
Natelie Chung
Rennie Zwolinski
Richard Paul
Rick Brown
Ruth Alexandor
Sara Meurling
Tamara Mykels
Tony Stanfl
Tovah Estrin
