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Concur Quick Tips

SAP Concur (York’s digital expense claim software) is easier to use than many employees realize. These five key tips will make your expense claims simpler and faster.

Travel Expense Tips

All claims should provide the Business or Research Purpose of the Travel in the Report Header. Brief explanation of the Business/Research purpose for travel. Provide dates of travel and research purpose for travelling to each destination. Example:Paris (June 2 to 10) Met with collaborator on the plan for research on churches in EuropeRome (June 11 […]

Deadlines for submitting expense reports

All expense claims need to be submitted in a timely basis from the date the expense was actually incurred. Depending on the funding source the deadline could vary. Refer to the table below: FUNDING SOURCE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT Fund 100 (Special Purpose)Fund 200 (Operating)Fund 300 (Ancillary)Fund 400 (Internal research)Fund 600 (Endowments)Fund 700 (Capital)  Within 14 […]

Tips when approving expense claims

What to look for … Are all expenses supported by itemized receipts? Does the expense claim provide an explanation of the nature of the expense? Are the expenses business in nature? Are there exceptions to the policies that require additional explanations? Do all deviations to policy/procedure have advance approval from a Dean, Assistant or Associate […]

Help with Processing Expense Reports

Resources for completing your claim using Concur Expense Online resources such as guides and online training can be found at Concur Expense. Assistance is also available by contacting one of the many local power user (PDF). Need help understanding the approval flow in Concur Expense, refer to the Guide: Setting the Approval Flow for Your Concur Expense Report (PDF). […]

Required Supporting Documentation

Every expense report, whether submitted using Concur Expense, or using a paper based form needs to be a comprehensive report. Each expense claim must explain the business purpose, time frame of the expense, destination and the individuals or groups involved. For research grants, an explanation on how the expense(s) relate to the grant needs to […]

Honoraria Expenses

An honorarium is a payment made in recognition of voluntary participation in a program or activity to individuals who are not employees of York University ( e.g. guest lecturer). Submitting Honorarium Documents for ProcessingHonorariums are paid via Payroll. There are two available forms for honorarium found on YU Link’s Forms and Documents section: ETF Honorarium Payment Form […]

Visitor Expense Claims

York University often reimburses travel expenses incurred by external individuals (including visitors and guest of the University and exclude contract faculty, students and vendors) who conduct research or other business on its behalf. Faculty and staff can prepare claims for external individuals in Concur. Benefits principal investigators and department chairs can approve expense claims remotely, […]

Employee Direct Deposit

Reimbursement of expenses will be automatically deposited into the same bank account as your pay. This change eliminates the separate manual form, thus reducing administrative effort and resulting in simpler and faster expense reimbursements. Updating banking information for payroll deposits and expense reimbursements can be done through HR-Self Serve. This change affords employees the convenience […]

Getting Reimbursed

York reimburses its employees for reasonable expenses incurred while on University business. Expenses will be allowed when incurred in accordance with the prescribed Hospitality policy and procedure and/or the Reimbursement of Expenses policy and procedure and are subject to audit. Any deviation from policy requires advance approval from a dean, assistant vice-president, or higher and shall be supported by a written, detailed justification. […]