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FCM Travel Solutions

FCM Travel Solutions is the University’s preferred travel agency for the following reasons: access to a York dedicated team of professional, experienced client service representatives to book your travel arrangements (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) ability to book travel online at any time using Concur Travel access to exclusive discounts on flights and […]

What are eligible/ineligible Hospitality Expenses?

Hospitality events that are hosted or sponsored for the purpose of promoting the University’s work or enhances its image, meals at which University business is transacted, and the hosting of employees in circumstances where the nature and sensitivity of the University business discussion requires privacy are all considered appropriate hospitality expenses. Examples of allowable hospitality […]

Definition of Hospitality

Internal Hospitality Internal hospitality is organized principally for the benefit of York University employees, students and/or governors. External Hospitality External hospitality is organized principally for the benefit of individuals who are not employees, students or governors. Examples would include guests, donors, alumni, representatives from external organizations, etc..

When to Administer a Hospitality Expense

The University acknowledges that hospitality expenses may be incurred when carrying out its educational, research and service activities. These types of expenditures should be appropriate, cost effective, and support the university mission. Hospitality expenses paid from University operating (Fund 200), capital (Fund 700), ancillary (Fund 300) , special purpose (Fund 100) or research funds (Fund […]

Conferences outside GTA

The general principle is that accommodation and related meals will be reimbursed for the day before the conference begins extending to the night that the conference ends for accommodation, and to the day of departure for meals. For example: The conference extends from Monday to Wednesday, inclusive. Allowable reimbursement Costs for accommodation will normally be […]

Visitor and Student Travel Booking

University employees who arrange travel for visitors and students traveling on University business have the option to book air travel for pre-approved visitors and students directly with FCM Travel Solutions (FCM). Benefits for Booking Air Travel through FCM airfare paid directly by the University, reducing out of pock travel cost and inconvenience to the visitor […]

Travel Insurance

While traveling on University business, flight cancellation insurance is an allowable expense. When renting an automobile for less than 30 days on University business, the SOP – Renting Vehicles on York University Business (PDF) should be followed to protect University staff and faculty from incurring an uninsured loss. For rentals that extend beyond 30 days, contact Risk […]


VIA Rail Canada offers discount fares to York University travellers through the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) agreement. Visit the Pan University Vendors of Record web page referencing Train travel for discount rates and code.

Travelling by Air

Travel while on University business by employees, students and visitors is to be paid by the traveller and reimbursed by submitting a Claim for Reimbursement. Travel costs should not be billed directly to the University. Arranging Travel Employees shall be reimbursed for the most direct and economical mode of travel available, considering all circumstances. Travellers are required […]