Thursday, November 5, 2020
This meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. The link and password to join the meeting may be found in the meeting's email notice.
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
2. United Way
Guest: Stephen Childs, York Cares United Way Campaign Committee
Presentation (.pptx)
3. Student System Renewal Program
* * * F o r D i s c u s s i o n * * *
Guests: Marie Limanni, Executive Director, Student System Renewal Program; Gail Aller-Stead, Director, Organizational Change Management
Student Systems Renewal Program Presentation (.pptx)
4. York University Grading Scheme
* * * F o r D i s c u s s i o n * * *
Guest: Chloë Brushwood Rose, Chair, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
York University Grading Schemes, Senate Regulations: Policy (.pdf) | Rationale (.pdf)
New Graduate Studies Grading Scheme— of Updates (.docx) - Note: This document was revised after the Council discussion to clarify language on exceptions.
5. Minutes of Previous Meeting (October 1,2020) (.docx)
6. Business Arising from the Minutes
7. Dean's Remarks and Discussion
8. Reports from FGS Representatives to Senate Committees
Evan Light, Senate Academic Planning, Policy & Research Committee
Mark Hayward, Senate Academic Standards, Curriculum & Pedagogy Committee
Cheryl van Daalen-Smith, Senate Executive Committee
9. Report from FGS Appeals & Academic Honesty Committee
Iain Moyles, Chair, Appeals & Academic Honesty Committee
10. Changes to Faculty Regulations
Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on October 21, 2020
* * * F o r A p p r o v a l * * *
11. Changes in Degree Requirements
Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on October 21, 2020
* * * F o r A p p r o v a l * * *
Graduate Program in Physics & Astronomy
MSc by Project and by Thesis, and PhD, Astronomy Stream:
Change in Name of Stream from “Astronomy” to “Astronomy and Astrophysics” Delete Physics & Astronomy 5490 3.0: “Astronomical Research” as a required course (.doc)
Add Physics & Astronomy 5000 3.0: “Quantum Mechanics I” and 5230 3.0: “General Relativity and Cosmology” as options (.doc)
Learning outcomes MSc Project(.xlsx) | MSc Thesis(.xlsx) | PhD (.xlsx)
12. Changes in Admissions Requirements
Approved by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on October 21, 2020
* * * F o r A p p r o v a l * * *
a) Graduate Program in Business Analytics
Change to specify required technical foundations (.doc)
Learning outcomes (.pdf)
b) Graduate Program in Management in Artificial Intelligence
Change to specify required technical foundations (.doc)
Learning outcomes (.pdf)
13. Senate Synopses
Summaries of the Senate meetings of September 24, 2020 (.pdf) and October 22, 2020 (.pdf)