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eClass is York University's Learning Management System (LMS) that hosts LA&PS courses and is accessible through any active Passport York Account.

All LA&PS courses are designated an eClass (Learning Management) Course Website for every section/meet, in every term. The website has an auto student enrolment feature that adds your students to your course website.

The previous Moodle server is still accessible and hosts LA&PS courses prior to Fall 2020, in addition to any training, non credit and project courses up to Summer 2020.

Affiliated Software

Moodle (eClass)

Moodle (eClass) supports numerous LMS applications and tools. Upload course lecture files, use activity modules such as forums and wikis, facilitate online assessments and assignments (via Turn it in), post unofficial progress grades, or all of the above.


Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with your students- either by video or audio-only or both. It also allows you to prerecord asynchronous lectures and post online. It is integrated within eClass and can also be used independently.


Panopto is a lecture recording, screencasting, video streaming and video content management software.

Setting up your eClass

Instructors are added automatically to eClass courses based on the information from the Academic Resource Management System (ARMS). There is no need to request a course. For reference, we have organised a list of steps, along with resources, for getting you up and running with your new eClass course:

  1. For merging sections or copying course content from term to term requests, please fill out the eClass Support Form.
  2. Start your training first with the What's new on Moodle 4.1 Dashboard and What's new in Moodle 4.1 Courses, then attend training sessions for Zoom, Panopto and eClass
  3. Review the many resources from the Teaching Commons and Going Online webpages.
  4. Review LTS/UIT's resources: the eClass Help Centre for detailed instructional information and additional Zoom, Panopto and Learning Systems/Support.
  1. Log in to eClass directly.
  2. Contact the York Library for online academic materials you would like to add to your eClass. Please also view additional Faculty/Instructor Support Materials.
  3. Add eClass Access for your Teaching Assistants or Accessibility/Alt Exam Staff with their Employee Passport York accounts.
  4. Make your course visible.

Tips & Resources

Instructors who have access to their eClass sites can provide their teaching assistants or markers access. You can refer to step-by-step instructions for adding users to your course. An active staff Passport York Account is required for access. Instructors can also request access to any of their additional tutorial/lab sites by emailing The instructor and TA will be added to the relevant tutorial sections.

Roles available:

Instructor – can add/create content, grades & assessments; enroll users; manage resources and enhance course design & layout.
Non-editing Instructor - can access content across the course and can grade within assessment activities. However, they do not have access to grading in the Grader Report, as well as the Gradebook setup.

These roles will appear for students on the participation list. In Moodle version 4.1, they will show under the "Teachers" ribbon.

It’s a good idea to wait until student enrolment is stable, approximately around the 3rd week of term. Best practice would be to refer to the Important Dates resource, particularly, the "last date to add a course without permission of instructor". After this date, we then recommend that you create groups. Chances are there will be very little maintenance after that point.

For maintenance, once per week, the simplest way is to click on the "Participants" link on the left navigation tab, next select the drop-down arrow from the Gear/Cog/Wheel at the right and select "Group."

First, you may select the "Overview Tab" to get a quick view of students not yet assigned to any group. Next, return to the "Group" tab and select the group you are updating (each group has the number of student members indicated within the bracket), then select the button, "Add/remove users." New students not yet assigned to a group, appear immediately under the Student heading in the right column, and are indicated by (0). Assign a specific student to a group by clicking on their name in the right column, then selecting the "Add" button. You may select multiple students by holding down the Ctrl button and clicking on each name before you select the "Add" button. Repeat the process to assign students to another group by first selecting the button, "Back to groups."

Please note that if your course has tutorial sections, separate eClass shells for every tutorial section are available to TAs and the Turn it in activities on eClass. Therefore, if activated there will be no need to create "tutorial" groups for the main course.

If you are teaching multiple sections of the same course and would like to manage these sections through one eClass course, please fill out the Merge Multiple Sections form.

When requesting an eClass course based on another instructor's course, you will first need to enroll the instructor to your course and give them a "Course Import" role within the course. Permission in writing authorizing the use of their course content would therefore no longer be needed by eServices.

Note: Please note the activities to exclude, from the link provided above.

IMPORTANT: If you are importing content into your new course that has a different course format to the default(Topic), please update the course format in the new course, prior to importing.

Follow step by step instructions for setting up a quiz in eClass.

When migrating content from Moodle to an eClass course, you will have to first "Backup" the course from the Moodle server, then use "Restore" to migrate the content to your eClass course.

Enable the pop-up blockers for eClass and Turnitin or turn them off to view the files. (Allow popups from Turnitin). The "Post date" in Turnitin determines the date from which students can view their grades and feedback. Do not use Access restrict dates as that will prevent students from seeing the grade and feedback. Follow instructions on adding and grading Turnitin assignments in eClass.

IMPORTANT: TAs need to have an active staff PPY (Passport York account) before being allowed to access Turnitin assignments.

You will not be able to remove them but you can, however, hide specific courses from your default display in the dashboard/course overview section. To do so:

  1. First point to the ellipsis/… button to the right of the course that you would like to hide from your list
  2. Next, select the Hide from view button

Please note that this action taken does not hide the course from students. Instead, it simply excludes it from your default listing.

In addition, you can also change the Number of "courses displayed" from the "Show" box below, from 12 to 24 or 48. You can further choose to display your courses alphabetically or last access by selecting either "Course name" or "Last accessed," respectively, from the Course name filter at the top right.

Do you have suggestions or future recommendations for eClass?



Have questions or need help?

Fill out the eServices, LA&PS Support Request Form , email us at or call 416 736-5622.