eClass is York University's Learning Management System (LMS) that hosts LA&PS courses and is accessible through any active Passport York Account.
All LA&PS courses are designated an eClass (Learning Management) Course Website for every section/meet, in every term. The website has an auto student enrolment feature that adds your students to your course website.
The previous Moodle server is still accessible and hosts LA&PS courses prior to Fall 2020, in addition to any training, non credit and project courses up to Summer 2020.
Affiliated Software
Moodle (eClass)
Moodle (eClass) supports numerous LMS applications and tools. Upload course lecture files, use activity modules such as forums and wikis, facilitate online assessments and assignments (via Turn it in), post unofficial progress grades, or all of the above.
Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with your students- either by video or audio-only or both. It also allows you to prerecord asynchronous lectures and post online. It is integrated within eClass and can also be used independently.
Panopto is a lecture recording, screencasting, video streaming and video content management software.
Setting up your eClass
Instructors are added automatically to eClass courses based on the information from the Academic Resource Management System (ARMS). There is no need to request a course. For reference, we have organised a list of steps, along with resources, for getting you up and running with your new eClass course:
- For merging sections or copying course content from term to term requests, please fill out the eClass Support Form.
- Start your training first with the What's new on Moodle 4.1 Dashboard and What's new in Moodle 4.1 Courses, then attend training sessions for Zoom, Panopto and eClass
- Review the many resources from the Teaching Commons and Going Online webpages.
- Review LTS/UIT's resources: the eClass Help Centre for detailed instructional information and additional Zoom, Panopto and Learning Systems/Support.
- Log in to eClass directly.
- Contact the York Library for online academic materials you would like to add to your eClass. Please also view additional Faculty/Instructor Support Materials.
- Add eClass Access for your Teaching Assistants or Accessibility/Alt Exam Staff with their Employee Passport York accounts.
- Make your course visible.
Tips & Resources
Have questions or need help?
Fill out the eServices, LA&PS Support Request Form , email us at or call 416 736-5622.