Be informed about the procedures followed within our department and across the University. Browse through the pages and forms outlined below for details about the various academic and financial accommodations you may be eligible for as a student at York.

Academic Petitions
Need to request special accommodation for a deadline or regulation? Get help with filing an academic petition, including where to send it, the types of petitions available and their requirements, important deadlines and forms, and how to check your petition status.

Letter of Permission
Interested in taking a course at another university but want to ensure it counts as credit toward your York degree? You can apply for a Letter of Permission to study elsewhere through the Registrar's Office.

Student Forms
Do you have requests related to your student record, grades and graduation, or questions about OSAP and other financial matters? Head over to the Current Students website to find the information you need.

Grade Reappraisal Form (PDF)
After course grades have been released, students with sufficient academic grounds may request that a final grade in a course be reappraised.

Course Performance Summary (PDF)
This form helps your course instructor summarize your academic standing in the course(s) involved in your petition.

Attending Physician's Statement (PDF)
For special academic consideration on medical grounds, this form can be filled in by students and their attending physicians, psychiatrists or counsellors.

Religious Accommodation Agreement (PDF)
Students who have a conflict between a religious commitment and the scheduled date of an exam can submit a Religious Accommodation Agreement form to their course director prior to the exam period and arrange an alternate date.

Final Exam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement (PDF)
Students unable to write their final exam at the scheduled time or submit their outstanding course work on the last day of the class may request deferred standing.