Bienvenue sur le campus Keele !
Study an official language of Canada and an influential language spoken by millions of people around the globe. Our department offers a broad and varied curriculum not found in other French programs: you will gain a keen understanding of the Francophone world and identity, master your French, learn many power skills, and develop your cultural intelligence by exploring language, literature, and linguistics from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. Most importantly you will be prepared for various career avenues.
What makes us unique:
- A global, cross-cultural and contemporary view on French and Francophone Studies;
- A comprehensive approach to French, including techniques of communication; through innovative methods of teaching;
- Small classes, taught in French, to interact with peers and experienced instructors with a wide range of specializations and backgrounds;
- First-hand learning opportunities to practice your language and communication skills in non-academic settings;
- A vibrant Association des Étudiant-e-s Francophones et Francophiles de York to connect with peers who share similar interests and career goals.
Quick Links
- Placement Test
- Academic Advising
- LA&PS Colleges
- Peer Support
- Our Faculty
- Writing Centre
- Book a visit of the Department of French Studies
Upcoming Events
Read our Land Acknowledgment, which recognizes the unique and enduring relationship of Indigenous people and their traditional territory.

March 17, 2023
Chemins bilingues. What Can I Do With My French Degree?

March 17, 2023
Summer School program registrations are now open!
Welcome to the Department of French Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies! Thanks to its interdisciplinary approach to the study of French language DFS offers courses in French language, linguistics and literature. We are proud of the fact that our courses are taught in French by committed professors with vast academic expertise. At DFS we value experiential education. Whether you choose to study for a few weeks in Quebec, spend one semester at a partner university in France, intern with a local or global francophone organization or get involved in the Francophone student association, your journey with us will be meaningful and rewarding, and will lead to many exciting careers en français! Thank you for choosing to study with us!
— Marilyn Lambert-Drache
Chair & Associate Professor, French Studies