You may earn a Certificate of French Language Proficiency concurrent with fulfilling the requirements for a bachelor’s degree. These certificates are also open to students who already hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and who are admissible according to Faculty and University policies.

Basic Level
To apply for the certificate, students must have successfully completed 12 credits in French studies as follows:
- AP/FR 0130 6.0 (formerly known as AP/FR 1030 6.0), with a minimum grade of B;
- AP/FR 1080 6.0, with a minimum grade of B.

Intermediate Level
To apply for the certificate, students must have successfully completed 12 credits in French studies as follows:
- AP/FR 1080 6.0, with a minimum grade of B;
- 6 credits with a minimum grade of B in each course chosen from:
- AP/FR 2081 3.0
- AP/FR 2082 3.0
- AP/FR 3081 3.0
- AP/FR 3082 3.0
- AP/FR 3089 6.0

Advanced Level
To apply for the certificate, students must have successfully completed 12 credits in French studies as follows:
- AP/FR 2081 3.0 and AP/2082 3.0, with a minimum grade of B;
- 6 credits with a minimum grade of B in each course chosen from:
- AP/FR 3080 6.0
- AP/FR 3081 3.0 and AP/FR 3082 3.0
- AP/FR 3089 6.0
Policies & Procedures
- York University students may earn a Certificate of French Language Proficiency concurrent with the fulfillment of requirements for a bachelor’s degree.
- If students are taking courses towards a certificate while simultaneously enrolled in an undergraduate degree program, the certificate will not be conferred until the degree has been successfully completed.
- York University students currently enrolled in a degree program must complete the Application to graduate with a certificate (PDF) and submit it to the department at least two months before graduation.
- These certificates are not open to students who are pursuing or who already hold a degree in French studies.
- French Language Proficiency certificates are also open to students who already hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and who are admissible according to Faculty and University policies.
- Non-York or non-registered students must first apply online for acceptance into the certificate program. Upon completion of the required courses, they must complete and submit the Application to graduate with a certificate (PDF).
- If you have previously taken French courses at York and already received credits towards your overall degree requirement for those courses, they can not be ‘re-used’ or carried over to a ‘new’ certificate.
- All courses MUST be taken in the French Studies Department and a minimum final grade of ‘B’ MUST be achieved in each course to be counted towards a certificate.
- Students can take either a 3 or 6 credit French course on exchange (IB programs.) The course must be approved by the department before departure and follow all LOP procedures Letter of Permission | Registrar's Office | York University.