Each year the Department of French Studies recognizes its outstanding students with numerous awards and prizes, including the following:
The Chair's Honour Roll
The Chair's Honour Roll recognizes all those students who achieve an average of B+ or above in their French Studies courses in the preceding academic session.
Alain Favrod Prize in French Studies ($1000)
This donation is designated to create a prize to benefit an undergraduate student enrolled in the French Studies Honours BA program (Major or Double Major) of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (Keele campus) who has the highest GPA including the highest combined average in AP/FR 1080 60, AP/FR 2081 3.0 and AP/FR 2082 3.0. The scholarship will be adjudicated by the Office of Student Financial Services.
Department Prizes
These prizes are awarded to recognize outstanding academic achievement in each of the three areas of the French Studies curriculum: Language, Literature and Linguistics. Recipients of these prizes are selected at all four levels of study: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000.
David M. Walker Memorial Award: ($1000)
The David M. Walker Memorial Award will be given annually to the student majoring in French Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, who has obtained the highest grade in AP/FR 1080 6.0 and who demonstrates financial need. The recipient must also be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, and Ontario resident. This award has been established in memory of the late Professor David M. Walker.
The Department of French Studies Award: ($650)
The award was established to assist an undergraduate student majoring in French Studies in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies who has completed between 30 and 60 credits with a GPA of 6.0 or higher. The recipient must be currently registered in a minimum of 18 credits, must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, Ontario resident and must demonstrate financial need.
OMLTA prize ($1560)
OMLTA prize is awarded to a student entering 3rd or 4th year who demonstrates outstanding achievement at the second year level. The award alternates on an annual basis between DFS Keele and DFS Glendon.
The Donald Jackson Book Prize
This prize is awarded to an Honours French Studies student in his/her graduating year, who obtains the highest French Studies GPA including at least two grades of "A" in his/her final year. This prize is acknowledged at the recipient's convocation ceremony.
The Hédi Bouraoui Essay Prize
This prize is awarded to a French Studies student in his/her third or fourth year for the best essay in any one of the three curricular areas: language, linguistics or literature.
The Chair's Prize
The Chair's Prize is awarded to the top graduating French Studies student.
The General Consulate of France Prize
This prize is awarded to a French Studies student for his/her exceptional participation in extracurricular cultural activities.
Student Engagement Prize
This prize is awarded to French Studies students demonstrating exceptional involvement in the life and activities of the department.
Hear from our Past Winners!

"J'espère avoir un impact positif sur les gens en travaillant dans la fonction publique et pour des organisations à but non-lucratif."
— Khadeja Elsibai
2018-19 winner of The General Consulate of France Prize

"Je vais commencer mon diplôme en éducation en Septembre 2020 à l'université York pour devenir enseignante de français."
— Alyssa Nemi
2018-19 winner of the Department of French Studies Third-Year Prize
"Je suis étudiante en études françaises et en rédaction professionnelle et je m'intéresse à la traduction, à la linguistique et à la rhétorique. À l’avenir, je souhaite commencer un programme de maîtrise afin d'approfondir ses connaissances dans ces domaines d'étude."
— Sophie Morgan
2018-19 winner of the OMLTA Prize

"En poursuivant mon amour pour continuer à apprendre le français, j'ai décidé de prolonger mes études et d'obtenir un baccalauréat en éducation avec l'espoir d'être professeure de français langue seconde au secondaire. J'ai hâte de continuer à apprendre et d'aider les élèves à voir la beauté de la culture et de la langue française."
— Natalie Maiola
2018-19 winner of The Donald Jackson Book Prize

Looking for more?
The Faculty of LA&PS also provides a number of scholarships, awards and bursaries. Fill our your Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application today.