We offer a strong line up of programs that will fit a wide array of academic interests and career goals. Browse our programs and find the right fit for your aspirations.

Gender & Women's Studies
Gender and Women's Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study exploring relations of power in the lives of individuals, groups and cultures in multiple settings.

Sexuality Studies
This field examines sexual desires and pleasures, acts and behaviours, identities and subjectivities, communities and cultures, movements and organizing. The field explores artistic, cultural, economic, geographic, historical, literary, political and psychological dimensions of sexuality, while also investigating sexual dimensions of arts, economies, geographies, histories, literatures, politics and psychologies.

Gender & Women's Studies at Glendon
Receive the same high-quality education our program is known for at Ontario's leading bilingual campus.

Sexuality Studies at Glendon
Immerse yourself in sexuality studies at Ontario's leading bilingual campus with many bilingual and multilingual program options.