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York University has one of the largest and most distinguished History Departments on the North American continent. With nearly 40 full-time professors, complemented with a number of part-time instructors as well as teaching assistants, we offer a broader range of undergraduate History courses than most other universities across Canada or USA.

Our first-year courses are designed as a foundation for History Majors and Minors. Combining lectures and tutorials, they introduce beginning students to the fundamental methods of historical investigation: the collection and analysis of evidence, the development and presentation of historical arguments, and the preparation of essays and research papers. While content varies, these courses investigate major historical issues, most of which cross traditional chronological and geographic fields.

We in the History Department believe that our 1000-level courses provide a uniquely rigorous training for our first year students. They prepare them for university work in History, for future careers in academia and for many other endeavours.

Our 2000-level courses are introductory surveys of chronological and geographical fields within History. Our 3000-level courses delve more into each field, while the 4000-level courses are advanced analysis and research, including archival work, on specialized subjects.

Note that 4000-level courses are restricted to 4th year (84+ credits) Honours students.

  • The AP/History Department offers two types of 4000-level courses: seminars and colloquia. Seminars (HIST 4XXX) normally enrol about 18 students and have a substantial research component. Colloquia (HIST 40XX) normally enrol 30 students.
  • 4000-level History courses taken at Glendon Campus will count as seminars if they have planned enrolments of fewer than 20 students.

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When registering for classes on the Course Timetable website, be sure to carefully read through the "Notes/Additional Fees" section of each course you select.

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AP/HIST 1005 6.00
The Evolution of Urban Black America, 1830 - 1940

This course focuses on the development of urban black communities in the northern US in relation to the immense changes that took place from 1830 to 1940, especially the complex reasons which lead African Americans ...

AP/HIST 1010 6.00
War, Revolution and Society in the 20th Century

A study of the major political and social upheavals which have helped to shape the contemporary world. The course will concentrate on the origins of the two World Wars and the Cold War, and on ...

AP/HIST 1025 6.00
Ancient North America From the Last Ice Age to European Contact

This course studies the history of Indigenous people in North America from “time immemorial” to the regular settlement of Europeans in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Using a wide variety of sources it ranges ...

AP/HIST 1030 6.00
Imperialism and Nationalism in Modern Asia

Through examining the broad contours of historical contact and focusing on a series of case studies concerning European imperialism and modern nationalism in Asia, this course introduces students to the primary, secondary, and tertiary sources ...

AP/HIST 1040 6.00
Popular Uses of History: An Introduction to Public History

Course Director: Prof. L. Pourtavaf - This course introduces students to the practice of public history, the ways in which history is produced for and understood by public audiences. It examines the ways the ...

AP/HIST 1050 6.00
Life, Love and Labour: An introduction to Social and Cultural History

Explores the ways in which large historical forces in the recent past, such as industrialization, urbanization and the growth of the state, have affected family, community, work and leisure and ways in which people have ...

AP/HIST 1074 6.00
The Chinese Body in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Medicine, Food, and Footbinding

Course Director: Prof. J. Judge - This course uses the Chinese body as an entry point into the richness and complexity of daily life as it was lived and experienced in Chinese history. It ...

AP/HIST 1080 6.00
Growing Up In North America

Course Trailer

Examines what it meant to be young in different times and places in the United States and Canada, and explores the interplay of cultural and material circumstances that shaped ideas about childhood and children's actual ...

AP/HIST 1083 6.00
Mass Media and Popular Culture in the Americas: Music, Movies and Power

This course introduces the historical study of culture and culture industries in the Americas since 1820, analyzing how cultural change both created and was created by transformations in politics, economics, and societies.Course credit exclusions: None. ...

AP/HIST 1086 6.00
Vice, Deviance, Bad Behaviour, and Social Control in North America since 1600

Explores how, in North America since 1600, certain behaviours have been defined by social actors and state agencies as bad behaviour or vices, and how these behaviours have been regulated. Introduces students to the role ...

AP/HIST 1095 6.00
Streetlife: The Culture and History of European Cities

This course uses a diverse range of materials and approaches to examine the development of the modern European city in the contemporary world. It uses cultural sources such as film, photography, literature and music to ...

AP/HIST 1100 6.00
Gladiators, Gods, Gigolos, and Goths: Reading Roman Society, c.200 BCE-c.500 CE

Through a series of case studies concerning the social history of ancient Rome, this course introduces students to the written texts and other media that are used to understand human societies of all periods. Special ...

AP/HIST 1180 6.00
Making Money

Explores 12 distinct but interrelated questions about money, that elusive substance with which all of us are preoccupied, but to which few us have brought great amounts of critical intellectual attention. The course examines money ...

AP/HIST 1190 6.00
The Jewish Experience, Civilization and Culture

Cross-listed with: AP/HUMA 1880 6.0 Responsible Unit: HumanitiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries An examination of the interaction of Jews and gentiles in selected periods from antiquity through the 20th century. A case ...

AP/HIST 1777 6.00
Disasters and History: How Humans and Nature make Disasters

Cross-listed with: AP/ADMS 1777 6.00 Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and droughts have the capacity to uproot and disrupt human lives. So too do financial crises, engineering failures, and disease outbreaks. Disasters are as much a product ...

AP/HIST 1791 6.00
Migration, Immigration and Beyond: Italians in North America

Cross-listed with AP/IT 1791 6.00 Responsible Unit: Department of HistoryPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries This course investigates the effects North American culture and language has on the lives of Italian immigrants and ...

AP/HIST 2100 6.00
Ancient Greece & Rome

Course Trailer

A study of the Greek and Roman world, with particular emphasis on its social, economic and intellectual history, using primary sources archaeological, epigraphic and literary wherever possible. Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 2100 6.0

AP/HIST 2110 6.00
The Ancient Near East

This course surveys the history of some of the oldest civilizations of the world and their immediate successors: Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt, Hittite-land, Canaan and Israel. Problems of how to determine the facts of ...

AP/HIST 2150 6.00
Classical Greek and Roman Archaeology: An Introduction

The course provides an introduction to the history, theory and methodology of Classical Greek and Roman Archaeology. It examines key archaeological excavations in the Graeco-Roman world to explore the history of Greek and Roman archaeology, ...

AP/HIST 2220 6.00
Medieval & Early Modern Europe

Course Trailer

This course surveys the economic, political, social and cultural evolution of Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the 17th century. Course credit exclusions: GL/HIST 2600 6.00 (prior to Fall 2014), GL/HIST 3225 ...

AP/HIST 2250 3.00
Revolutions in the Stars: Science in the Age of Galileo

This course surveys the major developments of the 'Scientific Revolution' (circa 1500-1700), when technical, theoretical and geographical discoveries gave rise to new understandings of the natural world. Celebrated astronomer, engineer, inventor and author Galileo serves ...

AP/HIST 2300 6.00
Modern Europe: From the French Revolution to the European Union

Course Trailer

An introduction to the development of modern Europe from the emergence of the seaborne empires to the First World War. Each week, there will be two lectures on aspects of European society, politics and intellectual ...

AP/HIST 2500 6.00
Canadian History

From the arrival of its first human inhabitants tens of thousands of years ago to its increasingly globalized contemporary population, Canada has undergone numerous transformations. This course will examine the history of Canada from its ...

AP/HIST 2501 3.00
Canada 101: A History of Canada since 1850

This course examines the evolution of Canada from the perspective of people, places, and social processes, and explores what it has meant to be Canadian across time and space since 1850. This course does not ...

AP/HIST 2600 6.00
United States History

An overview of the United States from pre-colonization to the present. First term examines Native/European encounters, American Revolution, slavery, westward expansion, and Civil War. Second term traces the rise of the US. as an economic ...

AP/HIST 2710 6.00
History of East Asia

Explores how distinctive patterns of government, society and culture emerged over four millennia in East Asia - primarily China and Japan - and how this endogenous development prepared those nations to confront and challenge Western ...

AP/HIST 2720 6.00
Latin American History from the Conquest to the Cold War

This course examines the history of Latin America from the Spanish and Portuguese conquests to the present.Course credit exclusions: AP/HIST 2720 6.00 (prior to Fall 2012), GL/HIST 2200 6.00. PRIOR TO FALL 2009: Course credit ...

AP/HIST 2731 3.00
Introduction to Caribbean History

Introduces students to some of the major themes of Caribbean historical evolution from its indigenous occupation to 20th century socio-political developments. The emphasis is on providing a broad outline and an introduction to some of ...

AP/HIST 2750 6.00
African History, from 1800 to the Present

The history of the African continent from 1800 to the present, concentrating on such major themes as political and economic change in pre-colonial African states, the impact of colonial rule and the emergence of modern ...

AP/HIST 2790 6.00
Islamic Civilization, 622 - 1400

Explores the development and nature of Islamic civilization from the seventh century to 1400 AD.

AP/HIST 2795 6.00
Introduction to the History of South Asia since 1700

This course offers an introductory survey of modern South Asian history and society from the 18th century to the present. It traces the decline of the Mughal Empire, the advent of British colonialism and the ...

AP/HIST 2810 3.00
History of Modern Science

Cross-listed with: SC/STS 2010 3.0 Responsible Unit: Department of Science and Technology StudiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. This course explores some of the central issues and theories in the history of physical ...

AP/HIST 2820 3.00
How to Think About Technology: Hacking the History of Machines

This course asks how we should think about technology. Focusing on one of the most complex and powerful categories for organizing our world, it explores how our relationship with technology has always been about more ...

AP/HIST 2822 3.00
Technology in the Modern World

Cross-listed with: SC/STS 2210 3.00 Responsible Unit: Department of Science and Technology StudiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. Examines the critical interconnections among technology, politics, culture, the arts, the sciences and social life. ...

AP/HIST 2900 6.00
Global Indigenous Histories

TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE (PDF) This course compares the histories of Indigenous peoples around the world. It explores Indigenous rights, lands and resource conflicts, Indigenous-state relations, language and cultural revitalization, and political activism. Case studies may ...

AP/HIST 2920 6.00
The First Global War: World War One and the Start of the Twentieth Century

The First World War is a pivotal moment in modern global history. It affected virtually every country in the world, set the stage for the Russian Revolution, the Great Influenza, the collapse of the Ottoman, ...

AP/HIST 3080 3.00
Reading Landscapes Through Time

Cross-listed with: EU/GEOG 3080 3.0. Responsible Unit: Geography (Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change)Please contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. Cultural landscapes change over time. This can result from changes in legal tenure, cultural ...

AP/HIST 3110 6.00
Ancient Israel: From Its Origins in the Settlement to the Babylonian Exile

Investigations include methodological limitations; Old Testament, archaeology and ideology; Israel's origins; the settlement in Canaan; Philistia and the Israelite state; the Davidic Revolutions; the twin kingdoms; Assyria, Babylonia and the end of the Israelite people.

AP/HIST 3120 6.00
Classical Athens: State and Society

A study of Athens in the fifth century BC, concentrating on social and economic structures and institutions. The course concerns itself with topics appropriate to a pre-industrial society, such as peasants, slaves and the development ...

AP/HIST 3125 3.00
Sport and Society in Ancient Greece

Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 3125 3.00 This course studies the place of athletic competition in ancient Greek society, with a particular focus on the Archaic and Classical periods (eighth - fourth centuries BC) and on the ...

AP/HIST 3131 6.00
Rome and Empire: War to Pax Romana

Topics considered include the nature of Roman imperialism, the mechanism of Roman conquest, the emergence of a system of provincial administration and the social, economic and cultural impact of conquest on Roman and provincial societies.

AP/HIST 3135 3.00
Spectacle and Society in Ancient Rome

Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 3135 3.0 This course traces the development of gladiatorial presentations, chariot-races and other public spectacles in Rome, Italy and the Roman Empire from 200 BC to 400 AD. It concentrates in particular ...

AP/HIST 3145 3.00
Roman Britain

This course studies the history of Roman Britain from Julius Caesar’s invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC until the end of Roman rule in the 5th century AD.

AP/HIST 3154 3.00
Egypt from Alexander to Cleopatra

Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 3154 3.00 Examines the social and cultural history of Ptolemaic Egypt from the Macedonian occupation in 332 BC to the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.

AP/HIST 3155 3.00
Egypt after Cleopatra: Society and Culture in a Roman Province

Examines the social and cultural history of Egypt from the Roman conquest and death of the last Ptolemaic monarch, Cleopatra, in 30 BC to the end of Roman rule in the seventh century AD.

AP/HIST 3160 6.00
Women and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome

Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 3160 6.0 The course explores the social, economic, political and cultural history of women in ancient Greece and Rome. It examines Greek and Roman concepts of gender and sexuality, and considers the ...

AP/HIST 3180 6.00
The Rise and Fall of the Sassanian Empire, 224-642

The course will cover the origins of the Sassanians of Iran, their rise and domination of the Middle East, and their subsequent defeat and fall at the hands of the Arab Muslims.

AP/HIST 3234 3.00
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe

Explores gender ideologies and their lived social and cultural meanings for women -- and men -- during modern Europe's foundational centuries, 1500-1800. Examines intersections between evolving cultural norms, familial roles, and women's varied activities in ...

AP/HIST 3315 3.00
Modern Ukrainian History

This course focuses on the integration of Ukrainians into the Habsburg and Russian empires, socio-economic change, cultural and ideological development and the emergence of a modern Ukrainian nation. Other topics include the Revolution of 1917-1921, ...

AP/HIST 3355 6.00
Modern Greece: From Independence to the Present

This course explores the history of Greece from its struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire (achieved in 1821) to the present with a focus on social, cultural and political developments. Expanded Course Description: This ...

AP/HIST 3356 3.00
Greeks in the World. A History of Greek Migration and Diaspora in the 20th Century

Examines the history of migration from Greece to North America, Australia and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries and combines a detailed historical narrative on the development of Greek diaspora with a more in-depth ...

AP/HIST 3357 6.00
Greece: a Modern History, from 1800 to the present.

This Study Abroad course analyzes some of the major developments in European and world history during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century and then explains how those momentous changes were experienced in one country: Greece. Based ...

AP/HIST 3365 3.00
European Fascism: 1890-1945

This course examines the varieties of European fascism that emerge after 1890, the intellectual and cultural origins of fascist ideology and the nature of fascist movements and regimes in inter-war Europe. Course credit exclusions: None. ...

AP/HIST 3390 6.00
Europe Since 1870

An examination of political, economic and social developments in the leading states; the balance of power and World War I; democracy and totalitarianism between the wars; World War II and its aftermath.

AP/HIST 3392 3.00
The Spanish Civil War

While examining the causes and nature of the Spanish Civil War, this course also considers the place of the conflict in European politics and culture.

AP/HIST 3395 6.00
From the Defeat of Fascism to the Fall of Communism: Europe Since 1945

A survey of significant themes in European history from the end of the Second World War to the present day.

AP/HIST 3460 6.00
The Shaping of Modern Ireland: 1600 to the Present

Examines the major political, social, cultural and economic developments in Ireland since the seventeenth century. Topics include the Ulster plantation, the Act of Union, Catholic Emancipation, the Great Famine, Irish nationalism, the Irish landscape, emigration ...

AP/HIST 3490 6.00
Twentieth-Century Britain in Film and Culture

This course examines twentieth century British history largely through the medium of film. The course comprises background lectures on important events and developments in twentieth century Britain, film viewings, and lectures and tutorials analyzing and ...

AP/HIST 3520 3.00
History of Quebec since 1867

This course analyses the development of Quebec since Confederation. It looks at the cultural, economic, ideological, political, and social factors that have shaped Quebec society since 1867.Course credit exclusions: None.

AP/HIST 3531 6.00
The Working Class in Canadian Society

Cross-listed with: AP/SOSC 3210 6.0 Responsible Unit: Department of Social SciencePlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. This course explores the changing nature of paid and unpaid work in Canada in the 19th and ...

AP/HIST 3535 6.00
African-Canadian History

Course Director: N. Henry-Dixon - Examines the history of African-Canadians from colonial contact in the 17th century through to the post-Second World War migrations from Africa and the Caribbean. Expanded Course Description (expanded from ...

AP/HIST 3550 3.00
Pre-Confederation Canada

This course surveys the main themes in the evolution of what is now Canada from pre-European native societies to 1900. It traces the patterns of colonization, immigration, and settlement and the evolution of the state ...

AP/HIST 3580 6.00
20th-Century Canada

An analysis of the major events and developments affecting Canadian society during the past hundred years, including political and constitutional evolution, economic and social change and alterations in the climate of ideas.

AP/HIST 3581 6.00
Immigrant Experience in Canada

Examines government policy, public attitudes and the immigrant life in Canada before and after the Second World War, as well as the refugee question and multiculturalism.

AP/HIST 3601 6.00
Indigenous and Colonial American History to 1776

Analyzes change and continuity in indigenous and colonial America, beginning with indigenous cultures before the European invasions, tracing the rise of British, French, and Spanish colonies in North America, focusing on the emergence and expansion ...

AP/HIST 3617 3.00
Popular Culture, Political Economy, and American Identity: The United States from 1900 to 1945

This course examines the intersection of popular culture and political economy to explore how American identity changed between 1900 and 1945. Through readings and documentary material on technology, migration, and urbanization, in-class discussion, and lectures, ...

AP/HIST 3618 3.00
United States Since 1945

This course examines the conflicts and contradictions of American politics, culture, and society since the end of World War II. Through popular culture, journalism and political sources, we explore how social movements like civil rights, ...

AP/HIST 3622 3.00
The U.S. Civil War in American History and Public Memory

This course, which focuses on the years from 1840 to 1877, explores the causes of the American Civil War, military strategy, and the aftermath of this conflict. Topics examined include slavery, politics, military history and ...

AP/HIST 3645 3.00
Post-World War II U.S. Political Movements

This course analyzes major political movements that have transformed the United States. The course focuses on African American, women's, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender movements.

AP/HIST 3645 3.00
Post-World War II U.S. Political Movements

This course analyzes major political movements that have transformed the United States. The course focuses on African American, women's, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender movements.

AP/HIST 3650 3.00
God/USA: Religion in America Since 1491

Explores the key themes, critical questions, and entrenched conflicts about the place of religion during the long and varied history of American civic and cultural life. It analyzes Native-Newcomer religious tensions, disestablishment, uniquely American religions, ...

AP/HIST 3670 3.00
US Business History Since 1880: The Origins and Consequences of Managerial Capitalism

This course explores the inception, rise, development, maturing and present state of the US economy and the changing nature of business organization. Connections with political and social change will also be emphasized.Course credit exclusions: None.

AP/HIST 3671 3.00
The History of Race and the Economy in the United States, 1600-Present

This course examines the history of racial capitalism and black economic action in the U.S. from the 17th century to the present. We interrogate the structures that create and help maintain racial capitalism, how black ...

AP/HIST 3691 3.00
America's Cold War

This course analyzes the Cold War as a clash of ideologies and "empires" and explores its impact on US foreign policy and on the political, economic, social, and cultural life of the United States.

AP/HIST 3700 6.00
Atlantic Encounters: Brazil, the Caribbean and Western Africa before 1900

Relations between Brazil, the Caribbean and Western Africa are studied from circa 1500 to the late 19th century, with an emphasis on the nature of the European Empires in Western Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean, ...

AP/HIST 3701 6.00
Spain's Global Empire, 1500-1900

Few states in world history have had the global impact of the Spanish crown, which in the 1500s established control over large parts of the Americas and Southeast Asia. This course seeks to explain how ...

AP/HIST 3731 6.00
20th Century Mexico: Sex, Drugs and Revolution

This course considers the 1911 Mexican Revolution and its consequences, especially processes of migration, urbanization and cultural change.Course credit exclusions: None. Prior TO FALL 2009: Course credit exclusion: AS/HIST 3731 6.00.

AP/HIST 3733 3.00
The Spanish Conquest of Mexico

This course examines the Spanish conquest of Mexico using translated historical documents, and analyzes changing understandings of what was involved in the European invasion of the Americas.

AP/HIST 3736 3.00
Indigenous Struggles in Latin America

Introduces students to the history of the indigenous peoples of Latin America from the Iberian conquests in the sixteenth century to recent times.

AP/HIST 3766 3.00
Korea Since World War II

This course surveys Korean history between the 1940s and the 1990s, emphasizing the social and economic developments that coincided with the Korean War, the rise of militarism in the North and the South, and the ...

AP/HIST 3768 3.00
Sages and Statecraft in East Asia

This course analyzes how Confucianism developed from antiquity to about 1800 and how it helped shape government policy and interstate relations during key periods of Chinese, Japanese and Korean history.Course credit exclusions: None. Prior TO ...

AP/HIST 3771 3.00
Modern Chinese History I

The process by which modern China emerged from the ruins of the traditional order, tracing the history of China from the early 19th century to the present. Course credit exclusion: AP/HIST 3770 6.00.

AP/HIST 3772 3.00
Modern Chinese History II

The process by which modern China emerged from the ruins of the traditional order, tracing the history of China from the early 19th century to the present. Course credit exclusion: AP/HIST 3770 6.00. PRIOR TO ...

AP/HIST 3774 3.00
Chinese Revolutions: Republican, Cultural, Communist

This course analyzes the underpinnings of three of China's great 20th century revolutions: the 1911 Republican revolution, the 1919 literary revolution, and the 1949 Communist revolution. The course outlines key events while focusing on specific ...

AP/HIST 3781 3.00
African Civilizations before Colonialism

Explores the rise and fall of African Civilizations before the advent of formal European colonialism in the late nineteenth century. By emphasizing the "African Genious" in the making (and unmaking) of complex societies throughout the ...

AP/HIST 3790 3.00
Histories of Gender and Sexuality in the Modern Middle East

This course examines the diverse gender and sexual regimes, regulations, and experiences across the Middle East from a historical and comparative perspective. Students will study how major cultural, economic, political and social processes, from the ...

AP/HIST 3792 6.00
The Middle East Since 1800

This course surveys the main political events, social institutions, cultural and economic developments, as well as various aspects of everyday life in the Middle East from 1800 to the present. Course credit exclusion: AP/POLS 3260 ...

AP/HIST 3793 3.00
Jerusalem: Sacred City, Bloody City

Cross-listed with AP/HUMA 3843 3.00. Responsible Unit: Department of HumanitiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. Since antiquity, Jerusalem has been a focal point for both spiritual transcendence and earthly strife. This course explores ...

AP/HIST 3796 3.00
Modern India: from the Late Mughal Era through the 19th century

Examines the development of modern India, from the late Mughal era through the consolidation of British colonial rule.Course credit exclusion: AP/HIST 3795 6.00.

AP/HIST 3797 3.00
India in the Twentieth Century

Examines the history of India in the 20th century, including British colonial rule, the Independence movement, Partition, and the development of the Republic of India since 1948.Course credit exclusion: AP/HIST 3795 6.00.

AP/HIST 3801 3.00
Video Games and History

This course introduces students to the video game industry and the development of video games as a social and technological phenomenon since the 1970s. It analyzes genre, narratives, themes, the use of History, and the ...

AP/HIST 3829 3.00
A Convenient Hatred: Antisemitism Before, During and After the Holocaust

Cross-listed with AP/HUMA 3829 3.00; AP/JWST 3829 3.00 & AP/RLST 3829 3.00 Responsible Unit: Department of HistoryPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries This course examines the evolution of anti-Jewish thought and behaviour as ...

AP/HIST 3835 3.00
Dressing Up: Fashion, Identity and Resistance in Twentieth Century North America

This course explores how fashion, costumes and uniforms emerged as sites of identity formation and resistance to social norms in twentieth century North America. The course explores social movements such as early twentieth-century women's dress ...

AP/HIST 3838 6.00
Social History of Modern Sport, 1850-2000

Examines the social history of sport in urban, industrial economies from 1850 to the present. It explores how gender, race, class, sexuality and ability have influenced people's experiences with sport, and considers how sport has ...

AP/HIST 3843 3.00
Occupation, Collaboration and Death: A Social and Military History of the Second World War to 1944

This course provides a global history of the Second World War. It begins in 1937 with the Japanese invasion of mainland China and ends in 1944 with the invasion of northern Europe (D-Day). The course ...

AP/HIST 3844 3.00
Liberation, Violence, and Reconstruction: A History of the Second World War and its Aftermath, 1944-1949

This course provides a global history of the Second World War from 1944 and its aftermath. The course begins in June 1944 with D-Day and ends in 1949 with the Communist Party's military victory in ...

AP/HIST 3850 6.00
Murder and Other Crimes: Law and Justice in 19th and 20th Century North America

Course Trailer

Course Director: Prof. W. Wicken - Examines the Canadian and American criminal justice systems from the mid-19th through late 20th century. The course focuses on important trials - such as Lizzie Borden (1892), the ...

AP/HIST 3860 6.00
Modern History of the Jews

A survey of Jewish history from the breakdown of traditional society in the 18th century until the present. The focus will be on the Jews of Europe and the major offshoots of Jewish Europe, Israel ...

AP/HIST 3871 3.00
Boom and Bust: A History of Economic Crises

Approaching economic crises from an interdisciplinary perspective, this course explores the economic, social, and cultural history of episodes such as the Dutch tulipmania of the late 17th century, the South Sea Bubble of 1720, the ...

AP/HIST 3880 6.00
Medicine and North American Society in Historical Perspective

Cross-listed with: AP/SOSC 3090 6.0 Responsible Unit: Department of Social SciencePlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. This course explores North American social and cultural responses to disease. It offers a critical, historical evaluation ...

AP/HIST 3891 3.00
The Nature of Cities: The History of Urban Environments in North America

Urbanization is the predominant form of human settlement in Canada and the United States. Over the course of the nineteenth- and twentieth-centuries, a majority of North Americans came to live in ever more populous cities. ...

AP/HIST 4054 6.00
Slavery, the Underground Railroad and Resistance: Ontario's African Canadian Past before 1918

Course Director: Natasha Henry-Dixon - Explores the many ways people of African descent contributed to building the Province of Ontario. By piecing together clues from such sources as archival documents, archaeological site reports and ...

AP/HIST 4087 3.00
Mind and Matter in Victorian Culture

Cross-listed with: AP/HUMA 4227 3.0 Responsible Unit: Department of HumanitiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries Through a reading of the contemporary scientific literature on materialism, the mind and the economy, this course examines ...

AP/HIST 4088 3.00
Epidemics and the Modern World: Local, National & Global Configurations of Disease

Cross-listed with: SC/STS 4780 3.0 Responsible Unit: Department of Science and Technology StudiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. This course explores the changing interactions between epidemic disease, governance, and scientific knowledge since the ...

AP/HIST 4116 6.00
Alexander the Great: Myth and Reality

This course studies the life of Alexander the Great. It seeks to set his achievements within the context of Greek, Macedonian and Near Eastern history, and to disentangle the truth about him from the often ...

AP/HIST 4122 6.00
War and Society in Ancient Greece

This course will focus on the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta (432-404 BC) and on the contemporary Greek historian Thucydides’ account of the war. Attention will also be paid to other literature of the ...

AP/HIST 4130 6.00
Problems in Roman History

Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 4130 6.0 Course Director: Prof. J. Edmondson - DOWNLOAD TENTATIVE COURSE OUTLINE Selected topics in one or more areas of concentration in the history of ancient Rome. Prerequisites: AP/HIST 2100 6.00 ...

AP/HIST 4132 6.00
Caesar's Palace: A Social History of the Roman Imperial Court

Cross-listed with: AP/CLST 4132 6.00 Course Director: Prof. B. Kelly - Roman emperors have traditionally been studied from the point of view of the political decisions that they made. Until recently, less emphasis has ...

AP/HIST 4200 6.00
Culture and Society in Medieval Europe

Course Trailer

Relationships between important works of medieval literature and the society that produced them. This course is restricted to History or European Studies Honours majors and minors who have successfully completed at least 84 credits.

AP/HIST 4225 6.00
Church, Mosque and Synagogue: Jews, Muslims and Christians in Medieval Spain

Cross-listed with: AP/HUMA 4803 6.0 Responsible Unit: Department of HumanitiesPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries. This course explores the contours of Christian-Muslim-Jewish co-existence in medieval Spain, focusing on religious and social themes. Topics ...

AP/HIST 4230 6.00
Technologies of Communication: A History of Reading from the Codex to the Kindle

Cross-listed with: AP/EN 4480 6.0 Course Director: Prof. M. Schotte - This research seminar explores the history of books and their readers from antiquity to the present. Class is held in York's Clara Thomas ...

AP/HIST 4330 6.00
Issues in the History of Modern Germany

This course examines major themes in 19th- and 20th-century German history. Emphasis is placed on conflicting interpretations and methodological differences.

AP/HIST 4350 6.00
European Thought in Crisis: The Shape of European Thought in the Early 20th Century

The transformation of basic assumptions in several intellectual and aesthetic disciplines in European thought from 1870 through the First World War. This course is restricted to History Honours majors and minors who have successfully completed ...

AP/HIST 4375 6.00
Topics in Modern Greek History

This course examines on a rotating basis key topics in the history of Modern Greece.

AP/HIST 4420 6.00
Great Britain in the 20th Century

An examination of selected themes in British history during the 20th century.

AP/HIST 4505 6.00
Canadian Labour and Immigration History

Responsible Unit: GLENDON Department of HistoryPlease contact the responsible unit for all inquiries Cross-listed to GL/HIST 4220 6.00 The growth and development of the trade union movement and the impact on it of immigration and ...

AP/HIST 4508 6.00
Cultures and Colonialism: Canada, 1600-1900

Explores issues of contact and colonialism in Canadian history from 1600 - 1900. Themes may include the shifting practices of European imperialism; new cultural forms created by First Nations-European contact; changing economic systems; and patterns ...

AP/HIST 4511 6.00
Themes in Canadian Social and Cultural History

This course focuses upon such themes as social change, the formation of new social and economic groups, and the development of social institutions and patterns of thought. Note: Priority is given to History or Canadian ...

AP/HIST 4515 6.00
Murder in the Archives: Researching the Social History of Homicides in Ontario, 1815-1982

Course Director: Prof. W. Wicken - This is a research course, which examines the social history of homicide in Ontario from 1815 to 1982. Each student is required to write a major research paper ...

AP/HIST 4555 6.00
State, Nation and Economy: 20th Century Canada

Examines the social, cultural and political influences that shaped Canada's economic landscape from 1890-1920, and explores the historical processes that contributed to the formation of the modern state in Canada. This course is restricted to ...

AP/HIST 4565 6.00
Cultural Revolution: the 1960s in Canada

The 1960s have influenced the collective memory of Canadians. Although this course focuses on Canadian society, the international context is taken into account. This course is intended to provide students with an opportunity to study ...

AP/HIST 4581 6.00
Worry and Wonder: Jewish Politics, Society and Religion in Canada

This public history seminar explores the origins, development and paradoxes of the Canadian Jewish community from its inception in the 18th century to the present. It pays particular attention to the complexities of immigration, relationships ...

AP/HIST 4725 6.00
Topics in Modern Caribbean History

Examines topics in the development of the Caribbean, 1938-1983, from the labour riots of the thirties to the American intervention in Grenada. It includes a Pan-Caribbean examination of economic, political and socio-cultural developments in this ...

AP/HIST 4754 6.00
Aztec and Inca Nobles under Spanish Rule

Focusing on Mexico and Peru in the 16th and 17th centuries, this course studies the indigenous elites of the former Aztec and Inca empires under Spanish rule. It approaches native nobles as mediators between colonial ...

AP/HIST 4765 6.00
Rethinking Gender in East Asian History

Examines gender roles in pre-modern and modern China, Korea and Japan. It focuses on women: their places in the family and society, their relationships with one another and men, and the evolution of ideas about ...

AP/HIST 4791 6.00
Baghdad in the Middle Ages, 762-1300

This seminar focuses on the history of medieval Baghdad from its establishment as the capital of the Islamic Caliphate in 762 to its destruction in 1258 and subsequent decline. Political, economic, social and cultural developments ...

AP/HIST 4795 6.00
Gender and Sexuality in Modern India

This course examines the histories of gender and sexuality in India from the late19th century to the present, with a particular focus on how wider social, political and economic developments have impacted and in turn, ...

AP/HIST 4799 6.00
Selected Topics in African History: FW23-24 Topic - Science, Technology, and the Environment

In 2023-24, the selected topics for this seminar are science, technology, and the environment, three of the least studied themes in African history. The geographical coverage is Sub-Saharan Africa (i.e., the regions of the African ...

AP/HIST 4830 6.00
A History of Black People in the Americas

Examines and compares the responses of Africans and their descendants to the experiences of enslavement, racism, colonialism and imperialism from the 15th century to the 20th century and analyses the impact of the African presence ...

AP/HIST 4840 6.00
Public History

Course Director: Prof. J. Bonnell - This course examines the forms, goals, and practices of making history in museums, archives, historic sites, and other institutions of public history. It enables students to learn the ...

AP/HIST 4850 6.00
History of Me: The Genealogy Seminar

We have been shaped by our families' histories. This hands-on workshop explores the choices, limitations and opportunities of one or more person from each student's past - a parent, grandparent, or anyone else the student ...

AP/HIST 4991 6.00
Advanced Seminar in History

Fourth-year students who have an average in their major of B+ or better may be allowed to register in some 5000-level courses in the Graduate Programme in History. As with 4000-level courses, admission is at ...

AP/HIST 4991 3.00
Advanced Seminar in History

Fourth-year students who have an average in their major of B+ or better may be allowed to register in some 5000-level courses in the Graduate Programme in History. As with 4000-level courses, admission is at ...