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Areeba Chaudhry

Areeba Chaudhry

Biomedical Science, 2023

Areeba is in medical school at the University of Toronto. “As a future physician, I hope to provide culturally competent care to the diverse communities I serve. I am currently involved with outreach initiatives such as delivering workshops and resources on pertinent healthcare topics to marginalized populations and hope to continue advocacy work in my medical career. I am also an elected member of the Temerty Medicine Class Council where I enjoy representing the interests of my peers and fostering a sense of community through social events. My long-term goal is to work in academic medicine so that I can incorporate research and teaching into my future practice.”

“My experiences at York University were an integral part of my journey to medical school and allowed me to grow both academically and personally. Through NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards, I was able to gain critical thinking skills and develop a passion for scientific research which I hope to continue in my medical career. I also enjoyed fostering connections through mentorship as a Science Ambassador, Peer Mentor, and PASS Leader, as well as advocating for my peers as an elected member of Science Caucus. Being involved at Bethune College helped me feel a sense of community and build a support system. The leadership skills I gained through extracurricular involvement at YorkU will be invaluable as a future physician.”
