The Spanish Program at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics (DLLL) would like to invite students and faculty to:
Dr. Enriqueta Zafra’s talk on Lazarillo and La Celestina for the 21st-century Reader: A Graphic Novel Journey
Location: Atkinson 004, York University
Date: January 24th, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
This presentation will focus on the reasons that motivated Dr. Zafra to work on the graphic novel adaptations of Lazarillo (2021) and La Celestina (in progress). In the case of Lazarillo, some key factors included: its circulation as a printed text, its prohibition, and its re-publication, either alone or in combination with other texts, starting in 1573. All of these events are full of adventures that offered opportunities to recreate the context in which Lazarillo was created and consumed from its publication until now. In the case of La Celestina, offering 21st-century readers unknown events from a classic. It is an ideal text to travel through time and to revisit how books and their future readers confront the classics. This presentation will be a chance to share Dr. Zafra’s adventures during the research and the creation process.
Enriqueta Zafra is Associate Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at
Toronto Metropolitan University. Her areas of expertise include Spanish Peninsular Literature, with a focus on Golden Age; early modern women travelers and the discourse on prostitution and gender; Cervantes and the female picaresque novel. She is the author of Lazarillo de Tormes: A Graphic Novel (2021).

For more information, please contact fcarra@yorku.ca