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Robert Cox Memorial Panel March 2019

Thanks to Professors Alex Nunn and Stuart Shields in the UK and the British Academy/Leverhulme Foundation research project “Foundations of International Political Economy”, for their thoughtful work in putting together a video of the Robert Cox Memorial Panel.

The panel was hosted at the International Studies Association, March 2019 in Toronto and was a fitting tribute to a great man and great thinker.

Panel Participants:
Chair: Stephen R. Gill (York University)
Hélène Pellerin (University of Ottawa)
Randolph B. Persaud (American University)
V. Spike Peterson (University of Arizona)
Craig N. Murphy (Wellesley College)
James H. Mittelman (American University)
Eric Helleiner (University of Waterloo)

Prof. Robert W. Cox Memorial Panel International Studies Association, Annual Meeting 2019, Toronto (YouTube Video)