Are you stressed about exams? Say no more! At the LA&PS Exam Jam, you can drop by the Founder’s Assembly Hall (FC152) or the other activity rooms on April 5 from 11am – 4pm to get wellness and academic support!
The LA&PS Exam Jam is a student-focused event hosted by York’s colleges (Vanier, Founders, McLaughlin, and New) and must needed student supports such as the Writing Centre, the Peer Mentor Network, PASS, SNACK, and other helpful on-campus resources.
As main organizer Andrew Fenech describes it,
we’re pairing these wellness activities with academic resources to provide just in-time support for students and connect them with key resources that we know are helpful as they finish off final assignments and exams.
During this event, the Writing Centre will support students in two spaces. At the Arthur Haberman Room (FC023), there will be writing instructors ready to help students with drop-in writing review. Just like our regular drop-in sessions, you can ask any writing question, whether it’s about your assignment or quick questions about academic writing conventions!
Meanwhile, in the main room (FC152), the Writing Centre will have an information booth where students can learn more about our programming!
Other than writing help, there will also be math and course-specific academic supports available at the LA&PS Exam Jam. In separate rooms, there is the study area (FC015A) where peer mentor leaders will hold an academic success workshop. And in the Founder’s Computer Lab (FC034), PASS and SNACK leaders will host review sessions to help students prepare for exams.
If you ever want to take a break, you can take part in the wellness activities available at any point of the event. If you feel like getting creative, you can paint, colour, make a stress ball, or even make balloon animals! There are also physical activities like quiet yoga available in McLaughlin College (MC140).
While taking part in these destressing activities, you can grab a free snack and meet with other students. If you have any questions, you can ask one of the peer mentor volunteers who would be more than happy to chat with you.
The goal is for the event to feel light, fun and overall supportive of students in their exam experience, says Fenech. It’s been challenging year for students returning to in-person learning and we know most of them are feeling burnt out as the year winds down, so we want to provide an event for them to simply enjoy themselves and see that there are folks from all across campus looking out for their success and wellbeing.
So come on down to the LA&PS Exam Jam! Students can drop by any time from 11am – 4pm on April 5 to get extra help—whether it’s academically, socially, or mentally— during this stressful end of the year season!